For several years, Beth and I deliberated and prayed about whether or not it was time to begin a local congregation in the Cleveland, TN area. We had long felt the LORD was preparing us for a drastic change in our life, namely that the years of constant traveling was coming to an end. In February of 2019, we held our first meeting just to see if there was local interest in assembling for worship on Shabbat. To our amazement, two hundred people from across the region showed up. After months of prayer and hard work, we formally established Jacob’s Tent, in June 2019.
Our congregation is a collection of people from various spiritual backgrounds but all of whom believe the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – is for all of God’s people. We honor the Sabbath, we observe the Biblical feasts (moedim) and we eat Biblically clean. Most importantly, we believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. As His disciples (talmidim), we believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the One, True God and that He is calling His people to return to Him and to His ways. That is why we meet on Shabbat to praise, sing, dance, study and fellowship.
While we love to utilize Hebrew prayers, songs and customs in our worship experience, we don’t consider ourselves to be exclusively Messianic or Hebrew Roots. We want all members of the Body to feel welcome, inspired, as well as challenged in our services, so don’t be surprised if you hear a Hebraic-styled song followed by a classic hymn. In every aspect of worship, we want the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) to guide us so that the Father will be pleased with our efforts. Our desire is to cultivate an environment that invites the Presence of the Almighty to abide with us and empower us to walk upright before Him and in unity with each other. It is in the spirit of “loving God” and “loving our fellow man” that we have established Jacob’s Tent. We hope that you can join us soon!