A COVENANT WITH DEATHBy: BILL CLOUDA lot has happened in the last week and, in this short time, we wouldn't be able to cover it all so I want to focus on a couple of the larger stories, at least in my view. Trouble at the Southern BorderTo begin with: The Mexican...
Taking A Stand For Principle: Vibes or Virtue?
VIBES OR VIRTUE?By: BILL CLOUDHere are some of the week's headlines and what they may mean to us as believers.Hezbollah and Israel are still trading blows; Iran is still threatening to attack Israel -- and the world waits. We're also wondering if President Biden is...
Satan’s Plan to Silence God’s People: Free Speech Under Fire
FREE SPEECH UNDER FIREBy: BILL CLOUDThe Democratic National Convention got underway on Monday in order to officially coronate Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for President. Just prior to the event, Vice President Harris announced her economic plan for America,...
Discerning the Signs of the Times: Footsteps of the Messiah
FOOTSTEPS OF THE MESSIAHBy: BILL CLOUDIn this installment of the Weekly Scroll, we are still waiting to see whether or not Iran will back up its pledge to strike at Israel in response to recent assassinations of key terror figures. The world seems to believe that it...
The Shaking has Begun: The World is Preparing for the Lawless One
THE LAWLESS ONEBy: BILL CLOUDIn this installment of the Weekly Scroll, we find ourselves 2/3 of the way through the straits; and I have to say that the belief regarding being between the straits, which is that God's people should be on high alert for danger, has...
A Threat to America: Hamas Is Coming
HAMAS IS COMINGBy: BILL CLOUDAs we continue navigating the straits, the developing news continues to advertise that we are living in precarious times. So, it seems appropriate to read what Paul wrote to Timothy so long ago:"But know this, that in the last days...
Exposing the myth of American Democracy
SAVING DEMOCRACYBy: BILL CLOUDSome of you understand what is meant by the phrase, aEoebetween the straits.aE If you don't know what means, I'll explain. On the Hebrew calendar, from 17 Tammuz to 9 Av -- a three week period -- Judaism believes God's people are in a...