Case in point: In Concord, NH, a satanic “nativity display” was erected on city property near the New Hampshire State Capitol building. This came about because Democratic state Rep. Ellen Read suggested to The Satanic Temple that they should put up the display alongside of a Catholic groups’ Nativity scene.
As it turns out, Read said she is a member of TST, although she has not participated in any of its meetings or events. Nevertheless, it was her view that the scene of baby Jesus should not be the only decoration there.
As you might imagine, this was met with some resistance including a lot of push back from other public officials, most notably the mayor of Concord. But in an effort to avoid a legal dispute over First Amendments issues, the Concord City Council approved the organization’s permit to show the display.
In a statement, the city said they were forced to choose between banning all holiday displays or allowing TST’s statue.
“After reviewing its legal options, the City ultimately decided to continue the policy of allowing unattended displays at City Plaza during this holiday season and to allow the statue.” It is anticipated that the City Council will review next year whether permits for unattended holiday displays should be allowed.”
“I opposed the permit because I believe the request was made not in the interest of promoting religious equity but in order to drive an anti-religious political agenda.”
“Some on social media have celebrated the Satanic Temple’s display as a victory for religious pluralism and a reflection of our growing diversity as a community. I disagree with this. This is about an out-of-state organization cynically promoting its national agenda at the expense of the Concord community.”
“I think it’s the narrow-mindedness of the mayor, who can’t seem to wrap his head around that this represents a large percentage of the community and its beliefs.”
On the surface, it sounds almost good; but embedded within these words are an evil intent. And remember, in the beginning, the serpent used words that sounded “good” in order to promote rebellion against God.
Take note of the so-called “church’s” statement — “reject tyrannical authority.” Generally speaking, most freedom loving people would reject a tyrant’s rule. But where the Satanic church and other such rebels are concerned, the issue is this: they consider the Creator, with His laws and boundaries in regard to good and evil, as a tyrant. According to their website:
“We have fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict people’s reproductive autonomy … organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.”
This last summer, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis introduced an initiative to integrate more religious instruction into the state’s public school system under a volunteer school chaplain program.
In response, members of The Satanic Temple (TST) said they were ready to serve as “volunteer chaplains.” One TST spokesperson said that they would be “happy to participate.” DeSantis replied, in a manner of speaking — “That’s not gonna happen.” Speaking to a group of concerned citizens, DeSantis said:
“Some have said that if you do a school chaplain program, that, somehow, you’re going to have satanists running around in all our schools. We’re not playing those games in Florida. That is not a religion. That is not qualified to be able to participate in this.”
In fact, “After School Satan Clubs,” hosted by The Satanic Temple, have shown up at schools around the country, including in states like Tennessee, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Though there has been widespread pushback from parents, school boards across the country are capitulating to the threat of costly litigation — because they know they can’t count on righteous judges hearing the matter.
Our government has allowed voices such as these to gain a foothold in our culture; to speak to our children in school and leave an indelible impression on their consciousness every time a Satanic emblem — one that openly promotes rebellion — is tolerated in the town square.
Just last month, the Tulsa Oklahoma City Council began its’ meeting with a prayer that many, including the Governor, are calling “satanic.” It happened when so-called Priestess Amy McAdams, a Pagan, gave the invocation by praying to Medusa, a character from Greek mythology, who has snakes for hair and is known for her wrath.
City Councilor Crista Patrick, who is also Pagan, said her religion is not satanic but paganism. As it turns out though, her pagan religion advocates for some of the same goals listed by the TST.
McAdams said,
“I think where a lot of people get stuck is with the word ‘serpent.’ Many Christians equate any reference to snakes or serpents directly with Satan, but I am referencing the serpents that makeup Medusa’s hair. This is classical mythology and before Christianity, snakes were ancient symbols of feminine divinity, healing, and transformation.”
As far as the Satanic “nativity” display in NH, it would seem that some unknown citizens decided to take matters into their own hands and destroyed the original display — which was a statue of Baphomet, a deity and occult symbol with yellow eyes, holding an “apple of knowledge” in one hand and a bouquet of purple lilacs, New Hampshire’s state flower in the other. At its feet, was a granite table inscribed with The Satanic Church’s “Seven Fundamental Tenets.”
Within an hour of its unveiling, it was knocked over and damaged. Three days later, it was vandalized again and damaged beyond repair. The Baphomet was broken, the tablet was illegible and missing pieces. TST representatives repaired the display and reinstalled it. The next night, it was vandalized again, leading TST to have to restore it a second time.
This has prompted the Democratic state Rep., Ms. Read, to condemn those who stood against this saying, “I think the vandalism and the hatefulness shouldn’t go without a response” adding that the Satanic Temple, (based in Salem Mass.), “probably should” get to erect a new display in its place. She added:
“The people are supposedly doing this in the name of Christianity, a religion that professes faith and love and peace… Their holiday season is about love, peace, and goodwill to others, and in the middle of that, they’re reacting violently without caring about other people’s opinions.”
The issue I’m bringing forward today isn’t that we need to protect or promote nativity scenes during this season. And by the way, I’ve heard some believers support the removal of nativity scenes from the public square at this time of year because of their position on Christmas’ pagan affiliations.
But don’t let righteous zeal and indignation blind us to the bigger picture: satanists, pagans and rebels aren’t just gunning for Nativity scenes; they aren’t just looking for equal time in city council meetings; they are coming after the hearts and minds of people — and I would argue they are particularly targeting the younger generation.
As I’ve said many times before, tares don’t wish to coexist with the wheat; they want to steal, kill and ultimately destroy the wheat, thus infesting the field with rebellion, chaos and destruction. They aren’t waging war on Christmas — it’s the Christ they want to displace.
As it is written:
“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “ ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.’” Psalm 2:2-3
So again, it’s not Christmas or Council meetings they want to destroy; it’s the very notion that there is a God, that there are boundaries and consequences. To dispel such in the minds of others, so they believe, will rid society of tyrannical restrictions and promote equity, peace and all these other nice words they like to invoke.
But in reality, it’s the same tactic and agenda initiated in the very beginning when the serpent said to Eve,
“You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5
“The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds.”
“For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord. The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts.” Psalm 10:3-4
And so what the satanist acknowledge intellectually is a moot point; what they do shines a light on what they believe and “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” (1 Samuel 15:23). And pray tell, how does promoting rebellion enhance the quality of life, or someone’s education? It doesn’t but the Adversary, using smooth words, has always been successful in convincing us that it does.
This really isn’t about nativity scenes and satanic displays; this is about how the Adversary operates — to steal, kill and destroy. It’s about the Wicked One being able to slither into a space, sometimes even a sacred space — a garden or a maybe even a Sanctuary — long enough to get someone to listen to his seductive words. From the beginning, the tactics haven’t changed.
I’m fully aware that a town square in NH, a council chamber in OK, or a school in Florida isn’t on the same level as the Garden or the House of God in terms of sacredness. But I would argue that the principle remains the same. And so, it is important that the people of God be diligent, at the very least, to stand guard in that place He has given us responsibility — our homes, our congregations.
Let’s not buy into the smooth and flattering words the Adversary and his minions like to use in order to set their snare. As Paul said, be mindful of Satan’s devices, lest he should take advantage of us. Let’s keep the Satan out of the sanctuary — and perhaps we could be better positioned to successfully keep him out of the chambers of government and the town square.
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About Bill Cloud
Soon thereafter, Bill began learning Hebrew under the tutelage of a local rabbi and has since spent many hours studying, not only the Hebrew text, but the Hebraic roots of Christianity as well. This interest in the language is tied to Bill’s desire to unlock the hidden treasures within the Word of God and to teach them, along with our Hebraic roots, to believers in Messiah. Furthermore, this insight has allowed Bill to better understand the prophetic element of Scripture. As a result of this study, Bill has developed a variety of media resources dealing with prophetic themes as well as teachings related to our lost Hebraic heritage.
Bill is a featured speaker in venues throughout the country and has appeared with notable teachers such as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, Joel Richardson and Hal Lindsay. He has also made several appearances on a variety of television broadcasts seen on different Christian networks throughout the world. Recently Bill, along with his wife, Beth, and their children started a fellowship in the Cleveland TN area.
Through Shoreshim Ministries, Bill and his family strive to re-introduce Christians to the Jewish Yeshua and to educate believers in the Hebraic roots of their faith. As a result of this information, disciples of the Messiah can more accurately interpret end-time events and better discern our role in these last days.
Bill and his family reside in Cleveland, Tennessee.