We are now meeting for Shabbat and Wednesday evening services at our new location.

The address is:

1080 Montgomery Ave NE
Cleveland, TN 37311


We meet every Saturday at 11 AM. We first gather for Praise & Worship accompanied by Davidic-style dance, followed by a message inspired by the weekly Torah portion. After each service we meet for oneg (a time of food and fellowship). Our community meal is followed by a midrash (Q & A/discussion).
Dancing during praise and worship is encouraged and participation is voluntary. If you wish to join with our dancers, participants typically meet around 10:00 AM to freshen up on the appropriate dances for the day’s worship service. All interested parties are invited to join them.
After our Oneg time, everyone is asked to regather in the worship building for the after-meal blessing, and to begin midrash. Youth classes will be dismissed to their teachers prior to the start of midrash. All participation in youth services and classes is voluntary.
The following services and classes are available for youth from 0 – 18 years of age:
Nursery (ages 0-3 years): Check-in nursery is available from 10:45AM through most of the morning service; and again at 3:15PM for during the afternoon midrash. Nursery aged youth are supervised by a Jacob’s Tent certified and CPR trained caregiver. Please don’t bring sick children into the nursery out of consideration for others. Nursery Supervisor: Amy Pirnack. Contact Jeremy & Carmen Doll, quiver@jacobstent.org , for specific questions.
Treasures class (ages 4-9): Contact Neyla Locey, neyla@jacobstent.org, for specific questions.
Jr. and Sr. Quiver classes (ages 10-13 and 14-18, respectively): Contact Jeremy & Carmen Doll, quiver@jacobstent.org , for specific questions.
All of our Shabbat services are LiveStreamed and can be viewed on the following platforms:
Facebook Click Here
YouTube Click Here
Website Click Here
Jacobs Tent App
(Apple Devices) Download App
(Android Devices) Download App
Jacobs Tent now has an ASL interpreter provided for the d/Deaf. If there are any questions you may contact Crystal Ann at stephenandcrystalann@yahoo.com.
For Young Adults, ages 18-24, who are interested in joining in our Young Adults group, please contact Jeremy & Carmen Doll, quiver@jacobstent.org , for meeting times.



We gather each Wednesday at 7:00PM for a midweek Bible study. All ages are invited to attend the Bible study.
Youth services and classes are available during the Bible study. All participation in youth services and classes is voluntary.
Nursery check-in for 0-3 year-olds is available. Nursery aged youth are supervised by a Jacob’s Tent certified and CPR trained caregiver. Please don’t bring sick children into the nursery out of consideration for others.
Youth classes for Treasures (ages 4-9) and Jr. & Sr. Quiver (ages 10-13 and 14-18, respectively) are available.


We congregate on each New Moon to observe and celebrate. Dates will vary according to the calendar so consult our schedule for service dates and times.
We observe the Biblical Festivals and holy days and have special events for each of these appointed times (moedim) as well as Purim and Hanukkah.
For a list of upcoming events, click here.