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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Please pray for Gene to have a personal encounter with Jesus. He's baptized but doesn't seem to know Him. Please pray that Gene loses favor w the wicked influences that surround him & give him favor with ppl who pray & will keep him close to the Holy Spirit. Jer. 29:11 For the Lord knows the plans He has for Gene for Good Not Evil
  • I thank GOD in advance for my miracle for my divine health, healing, wholeness, restoration, deliverance and me feeling good in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD that YOU destroy all evil, every curse, and every demonic spirit that may have come against me or spoken over me in JESUS NAME. I am delivered and protected by the blood of JESUS in JESUS NAME.
  • I thank GOD in advance for my miracle for my divine health, healing, wholeness, restoration, deliverance and me feeling good in every part of my body in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD that YOU destroy all evil, every curse, and every demonic spirit that may have come against me or spoken over me in JESUS NAME. I am delivered and protected by the blood of JESUS in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD in advance: for protection from COVID 19, healing: discomfort, itching and excruciating pain in JESUS NAME
  • Restore my marriage. Soften Morgan’s heart toward God and his family. Have him be refreshed by God. Protect our hearts from attacks and temptation. Prayers for good health. Prayer that he supports me for God-ordained purposes and that he encourages me and prays for me. Help us to speak gently and love passionately. Bless our house and our family. Pray that our marriage would abound in love and joy. Let me be the spouse he needs me to be. Honor and respect our marriage, protect our hearts. Aboli
  • My wife Christine needs surgery on her broken right arm however; it cannot be done until her bladder infection is gone. They are pulling a urine sample tomorrow (Sunday).We are praying that the sample comes back free of infection so she can have surgery this coming Tuesday. Please join with us in praying about this situation. Sincerely yours in Messiah, Tom
  • My wife Christine needs surgery on her broken right arm however; it cannot be done until her bladder infection is gone. They are pulling a urine sample tomorrow (Sunday).We are praying that the sample comes back free of infection so she can have surgery this coming Tuesday. Please join with us in praying about this situation. Sincerely yours in Messiah, Tom
  • Blessed be the name of our lord and happy feast of tabernacles. I ask prayer for me at this moment. I’ve been having bad communication with my ten year old daughter due to her mom breaking her only form of communication which was her iPad. I went to her school this week to find her and I was told she was picked up early. Honestly I haven’t seen my daughter or heard from her because of her mother having animosity towards me . I ask for lord to make a way in yeshua’s name amen 🙏🏾
  • Happy feast of tabernacles yeshua our messiah.. I ask for healing prayer for my mother, she has been dealing with heart issues and blood pressure. I declare healing from all heart pro and high blood pressure in yeshua’s mighty name amen 🙏🏾
  • I thank GOD in advance for my miracle for my divine health, healing, wholeness, restoration, and me feeling good in every part of my body in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD that YOU destroy all evil, every curse, and every demonic spirit that may have come against me or spoken over me in JESUS NAME. I am delivered and protected by the blood of JESUS in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD in advance: for protection from flu symptoms, COVID 19, healing: discomfort, itching and excruciating pain in JESUS NAME
  • Hi, I'm Sharleen Wilkens. I live in Crossville TN. My husband and I took in our son from a tragic motorcycle accident he was in when living in FL. We got him help and he helped us out in return while he was recovering. I and David, my husband are up in age especially my husband who is 90 years old. This son took care of yard and did other jobs for us of which we gave him room and board and paid him. This son was a wayward son, I need to tell you. He's has lived his own ways for years and had