Welcome. Here you can share your prayer requests and pray for others.

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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Antisemitism at my work Wisdom Protection Favor
  • Antisemitism at my work Wisdom Protection Favor
  • Please pray that God makes a way for me to be able to attend your fellowship weekly. I could truly feel God's presence in your assembly. From the holy treble of the shofars to the heartfelt prayers of the people, it was a joy to be among a people that understand and agree with the Torah. God has brought me through so many trials that have grown my faith that I KNOW if this is His will He will make a way.
  • Please pray for my husband Michael. He was not raised in a Christian home and even though he joined a church I was attending I don't feel that it was a genuine repentance as he still does not read the Bible or even try to immerse himself in video teachings. He says everybody has their own opinion of what the Bible says. He doesnt understand that it is God's spirit that reveals Himself through the Word. And by avoiding the word, he is avoiding God. He needs to meet Jesus face to face.
  • Please pray for my friend Toni. She recently had a pacemaker put in for her heart and had an allergic reaction. Now she can't let fabric touch the area so she can't wear clothes. She just stays in her house while her husband John works then he cares for her. Please pray for God to heal the allergy or help her find clothes she can wear that don't cause an allergic reaction.
  • Please pray for my husband, Michael. He is opposed to me attending Jacobs tent but I feel this is where the Lord is leading me to learn the Torah. Yes I can livestream but I'm at a point that I need community. I learn so much from this congregation. I hope I can come back soon. Thanks!!
  • All praise to our Lord yeshua 🙏🏾. I ask prayer at this time for this new job I started this week . I ask Lord may you intervene for me in this new job. And protect the position that was given to me. I pray for management to give me a call back on a permanent position for this location. So I may begin working full time and provide for my daughter and my bills and life Lord . All thing are possible through you yeshua and I'm walking in faith waiting expectedly amen 🙏🏾
  • I requested prayer for my husband about 3 weeks ago, he fell and broke his back. We had a setback this week, he had an infection in his incision and had to go back to the hospital. He had surgery again on Tuesday. Now his legs are really weak and he can’t stand or walk. Please pray that God will heal him and return his strength and ability to walk.
  • my son needs prayer. we were slandered and he is struggling with anger and unrest. we are online members and we are getting ready to leave tennessee. i am getting my phd in sociology and political science. also, please pray for our safety as i am writing God's opinion to the media in effort to win the lost and promote unity and God's love in America.
  • A 57 year old cousin, believer in the Lord, married with a daughter, is battling with some cancer that the doctors have never seen before. They think it may be a sarcoma, but he’s been to Charleston, and tissue has been sent to other hospitals and now he’s going to Duke. That is not important. What is important is that our Father can heal whatever it is, through His Son, by whose stripes we are healed. His whole family is Church of God in SC and loves the Lord. Please pray. Thank you.

      Oh Abba – we acknowledge You as the Healer – You know exactly what is the make-up of this foreign matter, and we call upon You for mercy and healing. We ask that You purge these cancerous cells out of his body, and heal him in Yeshua’s Name.
      Nothing is too difficult for You. And in the process, I pray for Your peace to surround him and his family and loved ones.