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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Please pray for a breaktgrough in my finances. I'm feeling led to enroll my children in a private school.

      Praises, Lord for protection that Jewel desires to cover her children. Extend to these children Your protection of body mind and spirit.
      I ask for Wisdom and discernment from the Holy Spirit for each step of this decision. If this is Your path for them, You will provide. Enable Jewel to approach You in the manner that You tell us, so that her prayers are heard and granted. Draw her near.

  • Asking for prayers for my dad's cousin there house caught on fire this morning and there is a lot of damage/loss. One of the family pets passed in the fire the family is taking it pretty hard your prayers are appreciated.

      Abba, I praise You that the family was spared in this fire. Please grant this family thankful hearts for that and consolation in their loss. Guide, not only their decisions, but their perspective as they seek to deal with their distress. May they look to You and call out to You for comfort. For guidance. Use this tragedy for a good purpose in their lives and draw them to You.

  • I am going in on the 17 to have a colostomy reversal have been waiting for almost 4 years. I sought the Father's will all the way on this. He Heald me of diabetes and ulcerative colitis the ulcers is what gave me the 3 feet of scare tissue in my intestines that they removed. I am 58 and am in perfect health and able to have the surgery. I have a wife and 7 children 2 at home 1 14 year old girl and 11;year old boy at home still pray also for their protection while I am in the hospital thank you

      What a loving God You are. Thank You for this good report in Dale’s life.
      I thank You that Your great faithfulness will be with Dale and his family as he goes forward now with surgery. Cover them in Your protection. Let them rejoice in Your Mighty power and love on their behalf!
      Grant Dale unhindered success in his surgery
      and Your peace.

  • A friend of mine that came to REVIVE, started the trip on a deceptive note causing my inability to worship and feel the Holy Spirit presence. Then again on trip home and again on Tuesday at my get together. I’ve broken off our relationship. I am praying it is a part of Yahshua’s plan to separate myself from a person that truly has personality issues and total chaos continuously in her life. I have been the one to stand by her and try to be a supportive friend, but Yah HELP ME now!

      Ps 22:26. He leads the humble in what is right.
      Abba, this we ask. For guidance. For Wisdom for Fran as she is desiring to walk rightly before You. For humility that opens the pathway to Your perfect leading. Grant Fran inner strength as You direct. And come against anything that is not of You in this process. Both within her and outside her. May she call out to You for each step. Make her sensitive to Your voice.

  • Our friends 2 year old grandson was health flighted out yesterday. He had been fine one minute and the next he was unresponsive, throwing up and limp. So far they can find no explanation for what is going on. He is doing better today but complaining his head hurts, talking some but not normal and he is tired and not eating. Pray for his mother who is with him and expecting her third child as well. Thank you for your prayers.

      Mercy Lord. For this child and family!! Bring forth wisdom to recognize the problem and help this little boy! Restore his body.
      I ask for Your comfort and strength for this mom. May she trust You. Call out to You with faith. Bring forth the fruit that You promise her when she faces such trials, yet believes Your Word and promises. Show Yourself in new ways! Remind her that You are the Almighty, greater than the problem!
      Cover the boy with Your protection through the unknown. We ask for healing

  • For Jasmine my Best friend for the scales to be broken off her eyes and that she would see the truth and that her mind would be healed of all the confusion and all lies of the enemy and she would see that she needs the Lord Jesus in her life

      Salvation is Your name. Send Your Spirit to rescue her from the lies that have blinded her. Strike down the enemy’s fortress that surrounds her thoughts. Break in with Light of Truth. Father
      Be pleased to bring her out of confusion into Your Marvelous Light. Not because of righteousness on her part. (none of us are righteousness apart from You). But because of Your great mercy. Save her.

  • Almighty Lord, please grant success to Carl Davidson in his work on 08/07/2023 and 09/07/2023. Please remove all blockages sent to prevent him from being successful. Thank you Almighty Lord. Amen
  • Healing from tardive dyskinesia due to side effects of long term use of schrichoprenia psychotic medication and treatment
  • I would like to ask for prayers regarding financial breakthrough. I am seeking for an employer overseas who is willing to sponsor me. I have sent out many applications and still haven't found any company willing to do that. I am based in Manila Philippines. Please pray I will find the right position, the right country, and the right employer. I know nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for your prayers. God bless!

      Father, we ask that doors be open to Sev by Your hand. Those according to Your Sivereign wisdom. And doors be shut for Sev according to Your Sovereign wisdom. Please grant Sev discernment as to direction and Your peace in the waiting as He places his trust in You. Use this time of uncertainty to refine and build Serv for Your purposes. Draw him near.

  • My cousin was in a car accident several years ago where he became paralyzed. He is now facing a lower body amputation (from the pelvis down) the end of the month. Please pray for healing from infection in his body to avoid this surgery and deliverance from depression He has two sons, 7th and 9th grade. Thank you.

      Oh God of all mercy. Have mercy on this man. Bring him to Salvation if he is not yet Yours. Or draw him near to You and Your love and power if he is saved. May You intercede and heal Lord. Strengthen his immune system to fight this Infection!! Strengthen faith to fight depression and fear. Let your mercy cover him. And Your great love spare him