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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Please pray for me. Today I would have a brain MRI with contrast. I am claustrophobic so I need peace and no sense of time so I can endure it. The Father has given that to me before so I am confident he will be with me. Is today at 3
  • Family, please can you pray: urgent prayer request from a friend and her 2 daughters - please pray for God's protection and to help them leave from a very abusive husband/father (severe narcissistic/psychological/mental/verbal and at times physical abuse). Her father is in hospital now, almost passed, and she is being increasingly tormented by abuse not only from her husband but also her brother and sister in law. Thank you dear family, she is coveting prayers
  • My son, Jeff, recently had part of his cancerous esophagus removed & is now cancer free; however, he needs prayer for his vocal cords that were paralyzed during the surgery, when they cut into the nerve. It's possible that they can correct it, but not till Nov. & he's barely able to speak except for a raspy sound & he does need his voice for his job. Praise YAH that he made it thru the entire colon removal in 2021 because of a cancer tumor. Thank you for all the prayers you sent.
      Colleen JT PT says:

      Abba, we praise You for Your Great Power and Love on Jeff’s behalf bringing him through the removal of cancer in 2021! And praise Your Mighty Name for successful removal of cancer on his esophagus. Thank You!
      Please restore Jeff’s vocal cords that he may speak. May this be a “silent” time of self examination so You may also remove any “cancerous” thing in his thinking and heart. May his first clear words be exalting you for who You are and Your purifying fire within him! Use this time mightily in him. May his voice resound!

        Jackie L'abbe says:

        Thank you for your prayers. Voice is still raspy, but we’re believing for a breakthru soon. We rejoice in that Jeff is still alive!!

  • Joshua & Vicki Todd family, decent preacher about to be a wonderer, because of common church personality errors, mis appropriation, mis management; praise Yah find them a new & financed no drama church setting: hallelujah Shem Yahshuah
      Colleen JT PT says:

      Lord, please grant this family a fsingle focus on You, Your heavenly Truths and not on earthly circumstances. May this trial being forth Your good purpose in them. Protect their hearts and minds from lies that come through strong emotions in these circumstances. Shelter them from discouragement and from anger. Use it all to teach and purify them that they may overcome. Send forth endurance, understanding and faith. Let not the enemy draw them away. But draw them near!

  • My neighbor Suzanne trying to pass kidney stones, praise Yah Abba ropheka, lerape ms Suzanne, hallelujah Shem Yahshuah todah
      Colleen JT PT says:

      Abba, help! Enable Suzanne’s body to successfully pass this stone quickly.

  • Having a multitude of health limitations, I ask prayer for healing so I may live my life for Him to the fullest! Thank you, JT and Yehovah!
      Colleen JT PT says:

      Father, I praise You for Your compassion and tender mercies towards Roni. We do ask for Your wisdom in these health struggles. And for restoration of Roni’s body.
      No matter what path You have designed for Roni, please grant her confidence that You will use it all. For her and those whom her life touches. May she draw upon Your perfect strength. And rest in Your perfect peace, knowing she can please You by her trust in You, even tho it may look different than she thought.
      Send forth strong encouragement for her, deep within.

  • I would like to ask for prayers regarding financial breakthrough. I am seeking for an employer overseas who is willing to sponsor me. I have sent out many applications and still haven't found any company willing to do that. I am based in Manila Philippines. Please pray I will find the right position, the right country, and the right employer. I know nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for your prayers. God bless!
  • Facing open heart surgery. Possibly tonight. Please pray for.successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
      JT says:

      Please keep us posted on how you are doing at prayer@jacobstent.org

      JT says:

      Please keep us posted on how you are doing at prayer@jacobstent.org

  • Please continue to pray for Buster, Hannah, & Autumn- our grown prodigals... Also we have 2 grandsons, Levi & Reese, age 9 & under; Also we pray for our grandson's Dad Zane, their Aunt Alura & Uncle Wesley & baby; also pray for Tegan, Marcus, & Savannah. All grown, but away from The Lord as well.. Pray for Kathy O & family on loss of their Mom.. ..Pray for Stephen F & family- total deliverance & for the entire family & kids, and Elizabeth... Thank you.
  • Please pray for my grandson ,Jay. Yesterday he was sentenced to 2 years less a day on arson charges. He made really bad choices 2 to 3 years ago. Since then he has stayed out of trouble, has a 18month old baby and another one on the way. Pray for salvation, he knows but has not applied it to his life. Pray that any changes that prison has on him will be for good. Pray also for Kayda his partner during this time. At this point she will be staying at my daughter's (Jay's mom and dads ) place.