Hello! My family and I have been blessed by watching Jacob’s Tent (over livestream,) for almost a year and a half now, and we love you all!
I am asking for prayer on behalf of my son. He’s 11 years old and his dad and I have been divorced since he was a baby. (I have been remarried for the last 7 years.) My son has lived with us primarily, only seeing his dad every other weekend, and 2 Monday nights a month. His dad was very abusive to me, and I worry about my son when he is there. His dad has never been very responsible or very involved in Liam’s life, but he is now requesting 50/50 placement which would have my son going back and forth every 2 or 3 days. My son does not want this, and has told so many people, including the guardian ad litem that he does not want more than 1 extra day with his dad every 2 weeks. The guardian ad litem is an old friend of my son’s dad, and she is taking his side about everything, including wanting my son to get fully vaccinated (something we have always had medical and religious exemption for.) We need a miracle. This has been dragging on for about 2.5 years, and the hearing is finally on Friday. Please pray for God’s perfect will to be done, for God to roadblock all plans of the enemy in our lives, and that He will give the judge wisdom and discernment. Please also pray that the lies of my ex-husband will not prosper as a weapon against me, and that God will break his control over me. Please pray for my lawyer to have wisdom, and that God’s words will pour out of me and my witnesses – that we will say exactly what God wants us to say. Please pray for peace for us, and anything else you can think of. Thank you so much!