My 22 year old son, Jesse, just moved in with me. He had an accident and broke or sprained or hurt his foot really bad. He can barely walk. We’ve been to the doctor and to the ER, but they can’t see anything wrong with it. He’s in so much pain. I’m in the process of trying to get him some insurance, through my workplace. We just can’t afford to pay medical fees out of pocket. I’m praying that God will help us and heal him completely. I’m praying that God will give Jesse the desire to know Him. That Jesse will want to come to church.. even if I have to buy him a wheelchair for the time-being. My daughter was recently baptized (HALLELUYAH!) and I’m praying both my boys will turn their lives to YHWH and be baptized as well. Thank you for praying with me! YHWH bless you and keep you always! SHALOM SHALOM