My son Kenneth who was in a motorcycle accident in FL. is coming here today. This is a wayward son and he has a fractured leg and knee, never been treated yet. Is in much pain. Am going to do my best in helping him and it’s going to be very hard. He’s been away from the Lord for years. I need prayers for all that’s going to happen and discernment, wisdom, knowledge and spiritual direction. I don’t what is going to happen. He is coming here I live in Crossville TN. because he has no one else in his life to help him. Another son is flying out to get him drive him here. He’s in much pain with this leg and the trip is going to be very hard. I am very nervous about all this, praying continuelly. Asking Father to open a door for him to get the leg fixed. Also bring him back to the Lord. He has medicade but that’s in FL. praying they will take it here.please I really need much prayer to get through this day and the days ahead. This is not a forgotten son and the Lord knows it, prayers for all of this. Also taking care of my 90 year old husband who is trying to help also, but he can only do so much. Again I am asking for prayers, in Yeshua amen