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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • I have a diabetic ulcer on my big toe. Please pray for my healing from diabetes and circulatory problems.
      Barbara says:

      Father, I ask your healing for precious June- that you would strengthen her, bless her, and surround her with shalom. Please heal her body from diabetes and restore her to complete health. Remind her that she is not alone, but many fellow believers stand with her and are believing for her miracle. Grant her a great testimony of your goodness and grace! Thank you, Father, that you love her-you are so good! In Yeshua’s holy name- amen.

  • I’m a faithful streamer. Love you all. I’m have 5th spine surgery February 6th. Long rod and screws fusion from L2-L5. This has been a lifelong issue since 17yo. I’m 69. Pray for family at home to function without me. 95 yo mom, 3 special needs young adults and husband with medical issues too. Hospital should only be a few days. Thank you. I will update.
      Barbara says:

      Dawne, we remember your surgery tomorrow and pray for your healing and all of your needs. Abba, Father-we have need of your healing touch for Dawne! Please heal her, comfort her, and provide for her needs and the needs of her family. Bless each and every one-her husband, her mother, and the three young adults. A sparrow does not fall without your notice. You see Dawne and her family, you love Dawne and her family, and you hold them in the palm of your hand. Move in a mighty way, Lord! Grant Dawne a miraculous report so that we can rejoice together! We love you Lord, and stand amazed by your goodness! Thank you for your blessings, grace, and comfort. We love you, Abba! Amen.

      Mary JTPT says:

      Abba we pray to surround Dawne with a heavenly host as she goes for this surgery. Guide surgeons hands, give them wisdom to make repairs that she will never have to go thru another surgery. Follow up with your healing as doctors are not able to heal. Only you Almighty God! Protect her family and provide help for them all while she is recouperating. Bless, strengthen and sustain this precious family in Yeshuas name we ask.

  • Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD GOD restore my marriage remove his rudeness give him love compassion kindness towards me thank you
      Mary JTPT says:

      Father we pray your Holy Spirit will draw Felix and bring conviction of sin in his life. Until he surrenders to you he will not have the power to break those bondages and change. But your Spirit is all powerful to break every chain. Renew his mind, let his eyes open to see how much he needs you. Tenderize his heart and draw him to you. Give Sally perseverance to intercede on his behalf. Hear her plea and grant her faith to know you can do all things by your power. In Yeshuas name

  • Hello! My family and I have been blessed by watching Jacob's Tent (over livestream,) for almost a year and a half now, and we love you all! I am asking for prayer on behalf of my son. He's 11 years old and his dad and I have been divorced since he was a baby. (I have been remarried for the last 7 years.) My son has lived with us primarily, only seeing his dad every other weekend, and 2 Monday nights a month. His dad was very abusive to me, and I worry about my son when he is there. His dad has never been very responsible or very involved in Liam's life, but he is now requesting 50/50 placement which would have my son going back and forth every 2 or 3 days. My son does not want this, and has told so many people, including the guardian ad litem that he does not want more than 1 extra day with his dad every 2 weeks. The guardian ad litem is an old friend of my son's dad, and she is taking his side about everything, including wanting my son to get fully vaccinated (something we have always had medical and religious exemption for.) We need a miracle. This has been dragging on for about 2.5 years, and the hearing is finally on Friday. Please pray for God's perfect will to be done, for God to roadblock all plans of the enemy in our lives, and that He will give the judge wisdom and discernment. Please also pray that the lies of my ex-husband will not prosper as a weapon against me, and that God will break his control over me. Please pray for my lawyer to have wisdom, and that God's words will pour out of me and my witnesses - that we will say exactly what God wants us to say. Please pray for peace for us, and anything else you can think of. Thank you so much!
      Barbara says:

      Abba Father, we lift our sister Kiley and her family up to you. Surround each of them with your shalom and strength. Grant them wisdom and protection as they deal with this situation. Abba, we pray for Liam’s father- that he would come to a saving knowledge of you, and that he would desire to please you in all things. Raise him up to be a godly father for his son. He is your child, and we ask your blessings on his life. Please be with our sister Kiley during this difficult, trying time. Surround her with your love, peace, and comfort as only you can. Send your holy, warring angels to battle on her behalf, that your will would be accomplished in her life and her son’s life. We love our sister and her beautiful family, and we desire for her to be blessed in every way. Meet every need-spiritual, financial, physical, emotional. We trust in you, Yeshua, to accomplish your perfect will in their lives. Grant our sister Kiley a good report and testimony of your goodness and mercy. We love you Abba and trust you. In Yeshua’s holy name, Amen.

  • Please pray for Nan Marie, a sister in Yeshua. For total healing in her gut and intestines and the corresponding nerves and anywhere else she needs healing. She’s grown weary and starting to lose hope. YHWH bless you.
      Barbara says:

      Father, we bring Nan Marie before you now for total and complete healing! Abba, she is growing weak in the battle. Surround her with your presence and shalom. Strengthen and heal her body, spirit, and emotions. We ask that the stripes you endured for our healing be applied for Nan Marie’s health. Let her healing be complete, and allow her to have comfort. Grant her rest and sleep. Bless her food and nourishment so that she will be strengthened. Allow Nan Marie to feel your holy presence. Restore her hope, raise her from her sick bed, and let her healing and praise be a mighty witness to others of your healing and love. We love our sister, and we hurt when she hurts. Thank you for her friend, Crystal, for bringing her friend’s needs to you. Bless her as she ministers to Nan Marie. Thank you, Abba, for all that you do for us. We love you, praise you, and will worship you forever! In Yeshua’s powerful name, Amen.

  • We want to thank the Prayer Team, who prayed for our son, Ben. Ben had neck surgery on 1/24, Ben reports he finally has relief from pain.
  • I have a request for prayer. One of my best friends from high school is a youth pastor and they are pregnant with their 4th baby and the Dr's are speaking death. They are having some complications and the baby isn't quite 25 weeks yet. So, I ask that you would reach the Father and pray for Jordan and Emily Horne and baby. Thank Ya'll for being so faithful 💓 🙏 💖
      Barbara says:

      Abba Father, we ask that you send your holy, warring angels to fight on this couple’s behalf! Their doctor is speaking death, but you speak LIFE! We ask for strength, strong faith, and healing for this precious child! Grant this couple peace in this trial, and allow them to feel your holy presence. Father, we lift Jordan, Emily, and this little one up to you and ask for complete healing. Let this child be proof of your healing power and a great testimony for your kingdom! We love this family and pray for our brother and sister to experience a fullness of your love and grace. In Yeshua’s holy name, Amen.

  • Tonight we heard about a couple from Alberta Canada vacationing in Mexico. The husband slipped and fell and did a real number on his back requiring emergency surgery in Mexico. Please join with us as we pray for Yeshua’s help with this situation. Hoping for a successful surgery, quick recovery, and no long term problems. Thank you
  • Perfectly healthy pregnancy & live birth for my daughter & grandchildren
  • Please pray for Sherrie, Shirley and Stan. Also please pray for Clifton, Wendy, Portia and John. Marc needs prayer along with Brian, Sean, Lance and Ansol. Hamp(Sir) needs help and so does Donovan, Dexter, Damar, Doug and Lamar. Cherellnea and Jaytanna need prayer as well as Tycobi and Jacobi. Kristina, Kameron and Khamani need prayer in addition to Khan. Virginia needs prayer along with Carrie and James plus Annette. Lisa needs help with Monique and Marissa. Their friends, family members and neighbors need help in many ways so do their associates, colleagues and affiliates. Thank you very much in advance we do give praise.