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Pray for Others

  • Praise , another day to live for Him!

      Hear this cry, O Mighty Merciful God. Abundant life! Sustain. Restore. Let Your Glorious Presence surround Angelina.

  • Dear prayer warriors. Please keep our family in prayer. I got dismissed from work because I made a mistake of which I corrected timeously and it did not cause the company any loss of revenue or defile their reputation. I was initially offered a new position, yet kept in the position which they say, they dont trust me in, to work in, while waiting to be changed, then the mistake happened. They disciplined me based on a hypothetical situation and then after the hearing dismissed me, and deprived me of receiving my annual bonus too, by telling me 2 weeks before I was meant to receive it. We are in prayer and fast seeking Gods will and protection. There are days we just want to cry, feel weak and down as so much has been happening over 5 years. We nearly lost our dog, our car, our home,my wife had to give up studying at one of the best universities in the world, we had to deal with noise pollution concerns right next to our home while she was pregnant and now, it's my job. For years we have been in prayer, weekly trying to survive, looking for alternative employment, options, making new adjustments to our lifestyle. Yet we dont have cellphone contracts, gym, securities, insurances, etc. We live a very basic life with the bare necessesities and as we try each week to make plans for food, water and electricity are we faced with how, where, who will help us. God has been faithful, as we rely in His promises. We ask of you, please, keep us in prayer as we aim to report my company for unfair dismissal. Please, intercede for Gods mercy, and wisdom to lead the way and to let justice prevail. Please. Thank you

      Ps 89:14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne. Mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
      May justice be done on earth as it is in heaven! May Your mercy and truth prevail.
      We know Your timing is perfect! Your putting us to the proof is perfect! From a heart of love .
      I ask for trust and perseverance to pervade Grant and his family in this situation. Please bring understanding of Your purpose in this in Grant’s walk. Enable him to look beyond just the earthly circumstances. And stand in Your faithfulness. Your great Power and Love on his behalf.

  • Hi, My family and I have watched Jacobs tent regularly now for over 3 years and visited 2 years ago at Shavuot. My mom (Beth) and I had been in contact with Bill a while ago- about 2 years ago now. You all were praying for my dad’s (Steve) salvation and my parents marriage. My dad had also spoke to Bill on the phone around that time. I have not emailed any updates since then and I have some prayer requests.. My parents ended up separating in august of 2021. Shortly after this happened, my immune system shut down. I started developing health issues and was finally diagnosed with hashimotos disease in October 2022. Even though I have received treatment, my health issues have continued to persist and I have now been out of work for 7 months. I’ve gone to various doctors and they have not been able to figure out why I wasn’t doing better even though my thyroid levels have been normal for months. I was recently diagnosed with long term covid about 1 month ago. (I had covid extremely bad back in august of 2022). I started taking hydroxychloroquine which I believe has helped most of my symptoms now (praise God). I am hoping and praying I can go back to work this week or next week. Although one symptom that has persisted and has gotten worse every day is body aches. This is the first symptom that started about a year ago, in my right leg. It has now spread to various other parts of my body. It causes me to not sleep at night, so I’ve had to start taking stronger pain medications, but this still doesn’t help completely. I believe it’s muscle related. I also catch viruses about 2-3 times per month due to my weak immune system. I am going to see a rheumatologist next week on May 2 to see if I have another autoimmune disease. Asking for prayer for more answers but also divine healing. I’m 24 years old and have been very discouraged and weary about my health problems. I would also like to ask for prayer for direction of whether or not I should continue my masters program in clinical mental health counseling at this time. I have 3 semesters left. Another update is that my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (non Hodgkin’s lymphoma) about 1 year ago. He has gone through chemo, CAR-T therapy, and now his next step is focal radiation. Please continue to pray for his salvation. I honestly do not know how much longer he will have on this earth if he does not repent and give his life to Yeshua. My mom, my sister, a few friends and I are planning to come to Shavuot in person next month. I am very excited but PRAYING that my health issues will not get in the way of me being able to attend. Hopefully someone can pray over me when I come. I give permission to say these things on the live stream (in summary if you’d like)
  • Praise Report! The Lord has blessed me once again with more than I deserve...I was fired on March 16, from Lowes and April 17, Whirlpool hired me. God has supplied for all my needs. It was the perfect amount of mana needed for each day.
  • Prayers for safe travel as we move to our new home at 3385 Jackson Cir SE, Cleveland, TN, we shall be there May 3rd, leaving early that morning, hoping to be in town by 2-3pm. Pray His blessing over our new home. I can be reached at 765-635-0849
  • Bill Can your Congregation Pray for a Miracle? Our Messianic Brother Jonathan Settel is in a Coma with bleeding of his brain( internal bleeding ) We know his Messianic Music. He is a Great singer He Worships the Father with so much praise. Please Pray. A Messianic Rabbi From New Jersey sent out this prayer request

      How amazing You are! Able to do the impossible. And wise to discern what is best in every situation. We honor Your holiness.
      We ask, Lord, for life, for restored health for Johnathan. Your eyes have seen your son. You know his ways before You. We ask for Your Mercy and healing hand like no other! We trust You and declare Your Goodness over Johnathan

  • Pastor Joe Clutter is to have open heart surgery the 29th of this month.

      Father, Creator, and King, be with Joe during these days as he prepares for this surgery. May he do all that is necessary in his mind to be at peace knowing You are in control. Be with the medical team and staff that will be serving and ministering to him. Be with his family and friends and enable them to walk in perfect peace. May this health issue come to be used for healing and strength in many peoples lives and hearts. All praise and glory be to You, Our Physician in Yeshua’s name, amen

      Father, Creator, and King, be with Joe during these days as he prepares for this surgery. May he do all that is necessary in his mind to be at peace knowing You are in control. Be with the medical team and staff that will be serving and ministering to him. Be with his family and friends and enable them to walk in perfect peace. May this health issue come to be used for healing and strength in many peoples lives and hearts. All praise and glory be to You, Our Physician in Yeshua’s name, amen

      Father, Creator, and King, be with Joe during these days as he prepares for this surgery. May he do all that is necessary in his mind to be at peace knowing You are in control. Be with the medical team and staff that will be serving and ministering to him. Be with his family and friends and enable them to walk in perfect peace. May this health issue come to be used for healing and strength in many peoples lives and hearts. All praise and glory be to You, Our Physician in Yeshua’s name, amen

      Father, we ask that Your mighty hand guard Joe in every aspect of this surgery and recovery. Please make known to Joe anything that he may need to recognize that You’re wanting him to see. Grant him peace in Your power and love on his behalf as he examines himself before you.
      Be tangibly with him to remove any fear of the process and enable a complete success of surgery.

  • I’m seeking God’s will to move to Tennessee or Texas. I have a daughter in Texas wanting me to move near her family, but that would require I leave another daughter and her family in Oregon. I am a sole support and have been applying online to various jobs posted in Texas through indeed. I’ve also started applying to jobs I see in Tennessee.. in the Cleveland area. My daughter in Oregon has stopped attending church and her family and marriage are in crisis. I’ve been here supporting, praying and loving them. Their marriage is in a critical point where it may be dissolving completely. I’ve spoken to my daughter about the Tennessee area, Jacob’s tent fellowship, and the possibility to consider a move to restore their marriage and relationship with God, and to resume attending a body of believers and teaching their children God’s word. She’s open to the idea. However, things are pretty stormy between her spouse and herself. He’s attended church in the past but I know not of a conversion experience with the Lord. I’ve not seen fruits thereof. I’m seeking direction, and believe I’m being prepared for the next steps. I feel that it’s time to make a decision and be willing to move according to God’s direction. My grands and family need the Lord. Our community doesn’t have a Congregetion similar to Jacob’s tent, and my daughter was so badly hurt by a church in the area that she gave up on finding any Congregetion and has not gone nor taught her children of the Lord since. They stopped just before Covid hit the nation. They’ve not returned since. I long to attend a Congregetion once again.. and know I need the fellowship and accountability. I’ve been faithful to watch and learn from the services, midrash, and Wednesday night teachings. I have a friend from the Congregetion I attended in WA who is in your Congregetion and we’ve been talking. She’s joining me in prayer. But this is really much bigger than me, so I’m asking for prayer to direct not only my next steps, but those of my daughter and her children. Thank you. I’m so grateful for your ministry and how it continues to strengthen me and grow me and ground me in the Word. I am a sole support and need employment to sustain me. I’m a year younger than Bill, and am aware of my age and how getting a sustaining job is getting harder to find. I know if God is in it it will happen. I also know the power of prayer and prayer warriors. I’m calling upon my family to come beside me now and pray with me for clarity and provision. Thank you. Debra

      Father, please grant clarity and clearness to Debra. Decisions made through Your Spirit, not made based on circumstances and logic. Please reveal Your will and grant a response of her will to it. All else will follow. I ask blessings upon this process. May she not look back with regret or second thoughts when she KNOWS Your leading, believes You for provision, and yields. Speak. Lead, Faithful Guide. May Your very strength be her Strength and confidence.

  • Please pray for Jim and Betty Suggs in Florida, they're the parents of my dear friends. Jim, who is in his eighties, had a stroke and is home now be will not let his children stay and help him and especially his wife that is bipolar and can't cope with the situation. She refuses to drive and he can't now. He won't call for the buses that pick up seniors to go to appointments and grocery shop. My friend is very worried about her parents she need pray also her name is Alicia Foley.

      Father, please humble this dear brother who is refusing help. I ask for Wisdom for him and tender consolation that it’s ok for him to have these needs.
      Please grant his family skills in dealing with this great concern. May they look to You in new and profound cries of their heart for him.
      Touch Jim’s understanding. Soften his heart. Set Your Guard of protection over Jim and Betty til he is willing.

  • Please pray for my financial situation that YHWH would provide. Please pray for the eventual sell of my house & for my new house & the closing of both homes.

      Abba, be with Eric at this time and allow him to see You are with him and Your hand is taking care of the sale of these homes. May he come to trust You more from this situation as he sees Your involvement. May he share his testimony with others because of what You do. In Yeshua’s name. Amen