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Pray for Others

  • Please! Remember me in prayer, my digestive and left side are very in need of healing inward. I have heard many times about our Father healing the stomach , while I am one of them also. I know I can go to a doctor, but I am a believer that Father can reach beyond what men can do. Also my neck and shoulders. Whatever else is there I am asking for full restoration for His purposes. Thank you all.

      Father, You indeed are The Healer. We praise You. I ask for Your Mighty hand upon Evelyn. Whether You heal her directly or through other means. Grant her a sensitivity to Your leading and Your Spirit’s voice. Please grant favor upon her body. Sustain Evelyn. Reveal Your path in this to her. Bless her faith. Remove anything that is not of You both in her body and mind. Heal, Beloved Healer.

  • For my older 2 children and my grandchildren , from the oldest to the youngest. Allen, Cathy, Octavia, Dashia, Sania, Kali, Noah, and Halo Prayer also for my son -law Kennth and my daughter-law Shelly. All for their full salvation which is Yeshua! That they all would come in to the revelation and experience of the one true living God. Asking prayer for Octavia is in greatly need of Father’s hand to work things out in her and her children’s financially and natural knees, and a place to lay they safely going in and out. Thank you!

      Lord of all, we ask You to move upon the hearts and minds of each one of Evelyn’s children and grandchildren to bring them into fullness of Truth and into agreement with Your Word. Thank You for Your Mercy over each of us. And Your great power to change our life’s course.
      Ps 80:7 Turn us, again, O God of hosts, and cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. BRING FORTH YOUR LIGHT
      Let that Light also shine into Octavias home and situation with her children and finances. May she respond to You in submission to what You reveal, knowing that You ate the Power to live it.

  • My sister had a mini stroke and while in the hospital the clot started disappearing. The doctors said it was a miracle. I had asked yall to pray for her last week while she was in the hospital and this is what happened. Hallelujah 🙏 Thank You 💜 I have another prayer request help my sister Doreen be completely healed from the blood clot in her neck. Also to please guide her away from the evil people trying to bring her down. 🙏 Thank you all for your prayers 🙏💜🫶
  • Please pray for my daughter, she just told us she is in a relationship with a female. Pray that her eyes are open to the truth of God's word and that she will be free from this sin. Pray for her salvation and her faith to grow stronger everyday.
  • My Father-in-law is having brain surgery tomorrow morning (April 18th) for severe nerve damage that causes horrific pain down the side of his face. Medication has not worked. If the wind blows on his face, it is excruciating. So he is desperate for relief. He is not saved. He believes in God, but he has been angry at Him for the loss of his youngest child when he was only a couple days old. That happened decades ago, but he hasn't been able to get over it. He has been a better Father to me than my own - even during a separation from my husband. He has stood by me because my husband is an alcoholic. Anyway, please pray for his salvation and for this surgery to be successful. Thank you all sooo much!

      Abba thank You for Your Support and care of Jennifer through her father-in-law. May You show her how, now to share Your truth and compassion to him at this time. May You bring others into his life who will speak Your truth. May You bring to mind Your Son’s life and the cost. Be in his thoughts and dreams. Be evident to him. I’m praying healing for his soul and emotions and health. You alone are able. Thank You for Your great love. In Yeshua’s name, amen

      Thank You Lord Almighty that You are able to use ALl things, work ALL things for good. Father, bring a break through of heart to Jennifer’s Father-in-law . May he turn to You recognizing his great needs. Bring forth repentance for believing the lie against You that has kept him away. Bring Your love and compassion to bear on his thoughts and heart. Save, O God. Save him and grant him release from bought his physical and his emotional pain. Have mercy.

  • I am a live streamer. I'd like you to lift my 94 yr. old mother in prayer. She was admitted to the hospital last night with pneumonia and kidney function that has become worse. Thank you and Shalom.

      Thank You Abba for Cheryl’s mom. Thank You for Your provision for her all these years. Please be with the doctors and nurses as they treat her medical issues. Enable only Your Health plan to go forth. Enable her body to receive the care and healing plan from You. May Your healing be manifested in her. May her testimony be one that will be shared and remembered because You are there. Bless them both Abba. In Yeshua’s name

      Father of mercy, embrace this sweet woman with your tender care and comfort. I ask that You would companion her through this illness and grant her great Hope in You, her Master.
      I ask for comfort and courage for Cheryl. It’s so hard to watch those we love go through these things. Thank You Mighty One that You hear and do according to Your heart of Love.

      Father we ask for healing for Cheryl’s mother and mercy and grace. We pray for kidneys to awaken and function. No matter our age, you are still a healer and full of compassion. We pray for her shalom. Guide doctors and nurses and fill her room with your Holy presence. In Yeshuas name.

  • URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. I do not want to over dramatize but I need immediate and lots of prayer for my son Judah which is strongly considering making a very bad, possibly deadly decision and his very soul could be hanging in the balance. Please, please ask Yahweh to intervene immediately in this young man's life. His mother and I are praying very hard for him, but it just doesn't seem to be enough.

      Mighty Yahweh, reach down into this situation! Bring forth Good. Reveal toJudah the Right path in this decision and grant him understanding of the harm he brings to his own soul if he chooses evil!! May he choose what is right in Your eyes.
      Accomplish fully Your purpose in the struggle, in the test for him and also for this family. I ask for mercy to cover them!! Not because of our righteousness, but because we are Y I urs and call on You.

      Father we enter into agreement with Judah’s parents prayers. Prayer is a powerful weapon against the enemy. You see the enemy at work in this young mans life but we command this enemy to leave his mind and thoughts. Replace them with your thoughts and lead him into your perfect will for his life. Open his heart to receive you and purify him. Draw him by your Spirit to come to you and learn of you, to have relationship with you and to know your voice. Remove deception and worldly enticing things that would destroy him. We pray he will take the right path in Yeshuas name.

  • Please pray for my sister she is in the hospital getting a bunch if tests done. May God our father heal her. 🙏❤️

      Father, I join Sara in her request for healing. Restore her body to heath! Please grant wisdom for those helping her to determine the problem and treat it. Grant wisdom to Sara’s sister to see anything underlying her spiritual health that may need healing as well to remove any barrier to physical healing. Thank You for Your Love over her and Your great mercy and power on her behalf

      Abba we lift Sara’s sister up before your throne. We claim healing in every area that her body is in need. May she leave this hospital completely made whole because of you. You will be praised! In Yeshuas name.

  • My brother, Roy, has loose bowels and lost 20 lbs. in 2 weeks. Not sure if it is C-diff or not. He is 70 yrs. Thank you.

      Father bring healing to Roy’s body. Enable his body to function as it’s meant to. Show Roy if there is anything in his life that he can do to encourage healing, whether it be diet changes or seeking medical attention. May he hear Your voice and instructions. May he entrust his life and body to Your will for his life. In Yeshua’s name

      Father, we ask for Your loving care for Roy in this unknown health matter. It’s not unknown to You. Please reveal answers to Roy and any doctor he may see. Restore Roy’s health.
      I especially ask also that this try bring forth great growth of faith in You and relationship with You. Bless Roy even through this adversity. Speak Your Love and Power to Roy. And cast out any fear.

        Thank you, Colleen, for your prayers for my beloved brother. .May our beloved Father bless you for your prayers for Roy and all others you lift up to Yahweh. In His

  • I am grateful to have been blessed. My three children,young adults have not been reborn but have come back to me after a divorce in2017 from an unbeliever. I am alone in the NE. There are no Mesianiac gatherings here. I depend on JT for my spiritual nutrition. Please pray for us. I am 67 and hope to retire soon but Mortgage is steep. Our Abba always in the Help.TY for your Love and Inspiration❤. You birthed Shabbat in my life and my children can only witness that. We will be delivered soon,!

      Thank You Abba for Your testimony in Candace’s life. Thank You for Your provision for her through livestream. Father provide for her fellowship in her area, if it be Thy will. There are times when You are able to teach us more deeply in the wilderness and I pray that Candace will experience this at this time. May others see You shine through her life, especially her children. May they come to desire the peace and wisdom that comes from following You. May they too come to a personal relationship with You. Thank You for providing for her financially and throughout her life. May You guide her in her decisions and path. Blessing her in Yeshua’s name

      Praise You Father for the Great Hope we gave in You. In Your Love and Mercy, please open eyes and hearts of these children to realize what You have determined before creation!! Let these children see. Open the eyes of Your children in Nebraska!! We ask for Your provision of others of like mindedness close to her location.
      Let Your Sovereign tender kindness continue to lift Candace and sustain her. May this be a time of great growth for Candace as she looks to You for all her heart’s desires!! We lift great praise as we declare Your faithfulness to Your children!!