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Pray for Others

  • please pray that lord should remove all curses and devilick attacks from my family, Please pray for son Sahil for his job promotion and salary increase please pray to receive a raise in his salary and improve our family life. Please pray for the Merciful Lord help to his employers to see his hard work and give him the increase in his salary miraculously.please pray for his tabacoo addiction he should be away from all bad habbitsI am building my house please pray that our father hands should lay the foundation of my house. The money and resources to build and finish my house should not lack in Jesus Name all the construction work of my house to be blessed, please pray during the construction period every situation and every work carried out should be under his protection my house should have no hurdles and should not go anything wrong during construction period ,every inch of construction should be protected and strongly done it should be beautiful and blessed house for my family. Please pray for my Financial needs please pray that lord should provide a divine way over my money, please pray for my financial breakthrough, please pray that all my loans on high interest and all my debits to be vanish out from my life I am facing lots for financial difficulties from last so many years please pray that all my financial stress should go away permanently from my life please pray for financial miracle in my life, please pray for my health issues.Please pray for protection and stress free life for us please pray for us we are badly in need of prayer support
  • **NOT ASKING FOR MONEY** A spiritual father and mentor of mine Stephen Hanson is trying to work up the capital to move his mentally handicapped daughter across the country. He, I and everyone involved need pray for the following things: 1. Discernment and obedience of and towards the Father's will. 2. That the housing application process will be smooth and expidited 3. That the right living situation and housing conditions can be selected. 4. Discernment for me, the Father has revealed to me that I need to help this man financially in any way I can. I am preparing to move to this congregation and need to guard necessary capital for that move and provide for my family.
  • **NOT ASKING FOR MONEY** A spiritual father and mentor of mine Stephen Hanson is trying to work up the capital to move his mentally handicapped daughter across the country. He, I and everyone involved need pray for the following things: 1. Discernment and obedience of and towards the Father's will. 2. That the housing application process will be smooth and expidited 3. That the right living situation and housing conditions can be selected. 4. Discernment for me, the Father has revealed to me that I need to help this man financially in any way I can. I am preparing to move to this congregation and need to guard necessary capital for that move and provide for my family.
  • Please pray against the attacks from the enemy! I have been attacked on multiple levels last week and it's continuing this week.

      Father, I pray for Your protection against anything coming against Sandra that is not of You. Grant discernment and a heart to inquire of You the purpose that You may be allowing adversity in her life, Your beloved child. Please bring Your Light to bear for understanding and Your strength to overcome.
      “Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials”. Grant endurance, wisdom, and Hope as the rewards of trusting and yielding to You in it.
      Bless Sandra

  • I had to ask my husband to move out because of pedophilia issues. Now I'm facing an eviction, have no income, and court dates which make it impossible to leave the area. I applied for help and benefits but it's going to take at least 30 days to get the results of that. I'm just so lost and scared. I have two kids. I need a miracle. Direction. Help. Discernment. Thanks.

      Isa 43:16, 19 I will make a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters.
      I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
      Your Sovereign LORD is always working on your behalf, even behind the scenes where you can’t see it. In that place where you see no way out in this struggle where you see no solution. Be reminded of His power and love on your behalf. HE knows your way. Trust Him.
      Send forth a great measure of faith to sustain Sandra. Infuse her with confidence in YOU

  • Don’t know if anything prior came through… If so, my apologies. This was forwarded from Gretchen Ohnstad, JT: Shabbat Shalom, Glory Carrier!🎆 Please pray with me for Hudson. He's blind and being tormented by a demon causing him to hiss, growl, bite himself and others. It took six men to restrain him. I am going tomorrow to pray for him in the hospital where he's being medicated and tied down. If possible, please share with the prayer group. Thank you!

      Father, please reveal to these who are caring for this man – what has allowed this demon in. Grant them wisdom to deal wisely. Cast out this evil, Father. Open his eyes in both the natural and spiritual to be cleansed of all that has brought him to this darkness.
      Save Him

  • Shalom! Please keep my son Daniel in prayer. He is 32 years old 16 months ago he had brain surgery we went to see the neurologist this past Tuesday according to the MRI the tumor came back and needs surgery again. We know there’s nothing impossible for our Abba. Thank you in advance
  • Please pray for my grand daughter Evie. She is only 5 years old and has has open heart surgery 3 times. Recently she was found to have what they think is scar tissue build up. She is scheduled to have 2 procedures on the 28th of this month to determine what the next steps will be. I am very grateful for Jacobs Tent and thank you so much for your prayers. Blessings to you all in Yeshua's name.

      Asking for prayers again for Evie. They have now decided to do open heart surgery again. It will be her 4th and she is only 5 years old. We don’t have a date yet, but it will be soon. Please keep her family in prayers also. She has 4 siblings. The Lord is good all of the time!

      Praise the Lord! She came through the procedures very well and is in recovery now. Her artificial heart valve, placed in her 3rd open heart surgery, looks good and is functioning properly. Her team will now meet to decide what to do about the scar tissue. Please keep her in your prayers as these decisions are being made. And thank you all so much! Our heavenly father is so good to us. And, oh the blessing of brothers and sister in Christ.

      David fasted and wept before the LORD for his child. “Who can tell, whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live”
      I join you in fasting and weeping for this precious child.
      Bring Healing, Sovereign LORD! Bring Life.

        Thank you Colleen. Yes, fasting and interceding. Trusting Him and thanking him, the bringer of life and healing, our Sovereign Lord. Her procedures are today at 12 Arizona time. I will keep you posted.

  • Prayer for two individuals that God has placed in my life: Person 1 "Tony the stranger": God placed him on my path when He was broken down on the side of the road I had a quick minute to share the Gospel with him and to pray over him. He recieved it with a religous spirit but I know the Lord placed him on my path for a reason. Pray God will convict him and show him the truth. Person 2 Drew Redden: a service member that I served with in the USMC is throwing intense hate towards the gospel, Christians and Jesus. It is my fiem belief that this is in response to the conviction the Lord is placing on his heart. Please peay for him to have ears to hear and eyes to see the truth about his heart condition and if it is my job to lead him to the truth that Yeshua would grant me abundant wisdom and courage to speak the right thing at the right time with the right heart.
  • Asking for complete healing and delivery for my son's family. His children once were close in following Messiah Yeshua but have totally gone astray. There is definitely dark spirits over their house as well as over my son's marriage. Please pray all evil and darkness are totally crushed and decimated and all are brought back to His glorious light. I also ask for a healing for myself. Abba knows my issues. Thank you and bless you.