Welcome. Here you can share your prayer requests and pray for others.

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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • My husband and I are needing prayers. We have had a very difficult time financially for nearly a year. We went out of business due to the economy and have been struggling to start another business or generate enough income for our family of 6 to live on. It’s difficult finding work where we are, and that allows for Sabbath off and the Holy Days. The stress is really impacting our family. Although we are praying it seems we are still in a bind and the stress is causing me to have severe headaches that I’ve never had in the past. Please intercede for us, that we will find our way and onto the path YHVH wants for us. That the stress, worry , and headaches would disappear and not return. We are trying to sell things and seems nothing is selling with the collapse of the banks and people are just scared. We pray he’ll make a way for us and wash us in Shalom throughout our spirit soul and mind May He bless you all and keep you We are grateful for your prayers Shalom

      Perfect love casts out fear. The hardest part of this journey is trusting Yah and letting go of what is not from him. Comment when you are able to stop and enter into prayer comment and let me know. I will pray now and will again when you and or your husband are ready to pray as well.

      Perfect love casts out fear. The hardest part of this journey is trusting Yah and letting go of what is not from him. Comment when you are able to stop and enter into prayer comment and let me know. I will pray now and will again when you and or your husband are ready to pray as well.

  • Requesting prayers for Ann . I do not know her exact diagnosis . She had been doing better but seems to be having a more difficult time now . Thank You .

      Thank You Father that You are merciful to all Your children. Please bring Your protection and healing to bear on Ann’s body to restore it. Accomplish in fullness all that You are doing through this. For Ann and each one who loves her. Because we know that through trials, we are purged, strengthened, taught and prepared as we trust You. You, O God are completely trustworthy!

      We send a word to Ann right now in Yeshuas name to be healed and set free of whatever this issue is. May your peace and presence fill her and bring deliverance. In Yeshuas name.

  • two disc fractures and herniated as well. Nerve pain

      We ask that Bennetts pain be relieved by the power in Your hand. Allow this to bring Bennett to the place of truly knowing how helpless we each are except for Your Mercy and Love for us. Bring the Good promises of rewards of faith to Bennett and clear the path to complete healing.

      Father you see the pain that Bennett is suffering with his back. We pray for mercy and healing. You, Yeshua are the great physician because you suffered and was smitten for our healing and deliverance. May faith in what you done bring this healing.

  • A young lady, who was my former co-worker, was born with half a heart. As a child, she's had multiple life-saving surgeries. In fact, any minor health issue can be fatal for her. Even so, with God at her side, she lives a full, vibrant life, always looks for ways to bless and pray for others. Because her continuing medical issues can be very overwhelming at times, please pray for peace to fill and overshadow her.

      O Father, hold Your precious one close. Grant her heart confidence in Your power and love on her behalf to see her through, just as You have already done. Grant her a strong voice as Your witness! May Your Strength be her Strength! May Your Peace be her peace! Protect her in tough times from the enemy’s intimidation.

      Father thankyou for the miracle of life you have given to this young lady. We pray to continually watch over her and that she will know you in a very intimate way. Grant her peace and fullfill all your purpose for her life. Let your name be praised in and thru her life.

  • Shalom, my name is Pamela and I'm seeking prayers for my grandmother Isabella. My grandma had a stroke and has paralysis on her right side, she has had a few health concerns since this event happened as well. We hoped that you can please pray with us for my grandma to receive a full recovery and to experience a even closer relationship with G-D. Thank you, From your family in Yeshua

      Father we thankyou for the faith in Isabella and her granddaughter Pamela. We agree with them for full complete healing and recovery from this stroke and all other issues. We ask for full mobility in her right side. We ask you to set guardian Angels around her and that your Holy Spirit draws her into your presence. Open her understanding of your Word and lead her into your perfect will. We praise you for all you are doing and going to do in her.

  • Have a chronic stomach and intestinal issue and requesting prayers for healing. Thank you

      Please grant Your wisdom to William with anything he himself can do to help his digestive problems. Grant Your wisdom and skill to earthly doctors who he may go to for help. And most of all, Father in Your perfect wisdom and love, bring healing to him. Reveal anything that he imay be unaware of standing in the way of that healing. Please restore a healthy system to William.

      By faith, we speak to stomach issues to be healed and never return in Yeshuas name. May William be blessed in body, soul and spirit. May he ever praise you and trust in your Word.

  • Our family is being consumed by the valley of shadows as my husband's diagnosis of stage iv bile duct cancer continues as we ask YHWH for healing and intervention. We need prayer warriors as we're weary.

      Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Father, thank You that You are the rest giver to all who come to you. Bring this dear family close. Into Your rest, where the storms can’t touch their spirits. Grant great faith and trust in You through this great suffering. And if it be Your will, heal Pennies husband!

      Abba you see the cry and desperation of this family. Renew strength and faith in you and your Word. We pray for complete healing of cancer, just one touch of the Masters hand can turn this situation around. Bring peace, true shalom to this family as they are looking to you, the author and finisher of our faith. Receive all the glory and praise in Yeshuas name

  • Please pray that the Lord heals me from being a hissing kitty. I have been abused, criticized and gossiped about so much that I just don't trust anyone to love me, even God. Pray that I receive His love and He heals my heart so I'm at peace and I don't block His love or the love of others for me.

      I stand in agreement with my sisters prayer!
      You Delight to show tender mercy.

      Father we lift DJ up to you to experience your Holy , pure, unconditional love. Bring healing of wounds and abuse and torment of the past. Renew DJ’s mind and th inking that he/she can put the past behind and fully receive all you have.

  • Please pray that the Lord heals me from being a hissing kitty. I have been abused, criticized and gossiped about so much that I just don't trust anyone to love me, even God. Pray that I receive His love and He heals my heart so I'm at peace and I don't block His love or the love of others for me.
  • Low back compression fracture seeing a neurologist