Welcome. Here you can share your prayer requests and pray for others.

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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Please be praying for my cousin Sharon. Her 26 yr old daughter was stabbed to death a couple of days ago ( I just found out) a friend of hers was also stabbed and is in ICU in critical condition. The killer is still on the loose. This happened in Oshawa. Thanks bro! For our Sister Marilyn's Loved one ,Todah Brother .....Al
  • My husband was involved in a head on collision back in 2021 and he continues to have repercussions from that accident and learning that he’s going to have new issues arise. In the last six days he’s lost the use of both of his legs. We spent Friday night at Vanderbilt ER trying to find out what is causing the failure of his legs. Please pray for discernment and that the Doctors will direct us to the right plan of action. We are both overwhelmed and stressed. We’ve been watching online for a couple of months now. Thank you!!!

      Father of mercy, grant great mercy to Christy’s husband. Please reveal the cause and any solution for this failure. Be the doctor’s eyes and Wisdom.
      May this be a time where Christy and her husband put feet to their faith in trusting Your power and love on their behalf. Especially when the path is unsure. It’s not unsure to You. May they come close to Your heart, Your strong arms and rest in Your Goodness. Bless them greatly through this trial, Father.

        Remove fear and any lies of the enemy that would bring fear or anxiety.

        Remove fear and any lies of the enemy that would bring fear or anxiety.

  • Good afternoon, church body, I ask that you join with me in intercession for this precious family! I received the following message from my previous pastors wife today. The young man mentioned, Cameron, is her nephew. Thanks in advance! Hey! I hope you guys are doing well. I need your support. I know you will war. This is a text from my sister….Cameron has been having a LOT of pain in his ankle. He went to a local ortho.. he thought it was nothing but we asked for an MRI, the radiologist called him immediately and said he is concerned looks like possible a metastatic lesion. They Sent images to oncologist at Duke and will send report tomorrow. Cameron left messages for his oncologist. We will know more tomorrow. We have the kids all week and had planned to do fun things. We may be doing those things at Duke. Please ask church to pray. This cancer needs to be eradicated out of blood and off his dna.

      We ask for Your hand, Your touch, Mighty Healer! May this cancer not prevail.
      You are the Potter. You squeeze and press us to fashion us into beautiful vessels. Bring good even from this, as only You can. May Cameron experience Your Power and Love for Him in ways he’s never even imagined before.

  • I’m asking for Prayer for one of my sister (Estella) that has had female issues over several years and Doctors have done surgeries over the years and nothing has help her pain.So With Much Love I Am Asking For Y’all’s Prayers. Love Tia Escamilla 🙏❤️🙏

      It is You we look to. Please heal, Father what the earthly physicians have been unable to heal. Bring wholeness and Your design back to Estella’s body. Speak the word and she shall be healed.
      Reveal to Estella if there is anything blocking that healing, so she may see and turn from it. Bless her body, her mind and spirit.

  • Request prayer that I heal from Covid. Cannot get myself to eat or drink. Have lost weight from IBS for a month so am fading away. We are old, Tom and me

      How I praise You that Your eye is on the needy!! No matter what age. No matter what situation.
      Speak to their immune system. Rise up! Speak to the “covid invader” – Leave. Bring restored health!! You are The Sustainer! Sustain this couple!

  • Shalom family remember our baby girl Addie she is currently in the hospital with rsv.

      May the Father strengthen her and uphold her with His righteous right hand! May the Father wash over your whole family with His healing and shalom.

      I rejoice that You are the Defender of the innocent. Fight against this that is fighting against her! Be the strength in Addie’s little body. Cover her with Your great power and love to restore her. We praise You.

  • Shalom fam, you have been our online place of fellowship for about 2 years now, and we are so thankful for you! Please pray for my hubs health, he has been home ill from work for a week and a half now with a terrible strep throat and body aches etc 😪 and is our sole income. Thank you so much, shalom in Yahusha's name 💙
  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
  • I've been doctoring a UTI and yeast infection since early February. I am still experiencing symptoms of at least the yeast. I've taken two different antibiotics and Monistat. I plan to go to the hospital today. Please pray.

      Father, hear my cry for Gail. Grant wisdom to those caring for her even to consider options besides antibiotics. Protect her. Bring her out of this spiral. Restore her body to proper balance.

      Father, hear my cry for Gail. Grant wisdom to those caring for her even to consider options besides antibiotics. Protect her. Bring her out of this spiral. Restore her body to proper balance.

  • I desperately need prayer. I have had IBS for a month and am weakened so much that I contracted a cold. Or Covid. I am 72 and recently signed up with you. Please pray for me. I have no strength and can’t eat anything much. Thank you with all my heart. I saw Bill when he came to Tabernacle of David many years ago, and somebody told me he had his own ministry now. How wonderful to worship with you all.

      Father, be Jennifer’s strength and assurance through this trial. May she know Your presence and her heart rest in Your Love and Power on her behalf. Remove fear. Silence the enemy’s intimidation to her involving the health of her body. May healing flow bountifully as she trusts You and healing within bring great reward of faith.
      You, O’ LORD are our source of All that we need. Encourage Jennifer May she know that she is never alone because You walk with her.