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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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Pray for Others

  • Rabbi David Liebe friend of Bills, has had a strok and is in the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Rabbi has requested prayer from the congregation of believers at Jacobs Tent. He has a long road ahead of him. Myself and three others will be at service this Shabbat Feb 4th should anyone want more information. Thank you for your prayers.

      Abba, we come before your throne of grace asking for a mighty move of your healing power for Rabbi David Liebe. We join together in unity to request your healing touch and shalom for him and his family. Father, allow him to feel your holy presence and comfort. Dispatch your holy, warring angels to minister on his behalf. Be with him and strengthen him in his body, emotions, and spirit. We love our brother and his family and desire to see him blessed! Join our hearts in unity as we come before you with this petition. We love you, Father, and trust your loving care for Rabbi Liebe. Amen.

  • Please pray for me, I am going through a difficult time now with type 1 diabetes, stage 3 kidney disease, swollen legs and feet with recurring blisters. Please pray for me for complete healing, and that Yeshua will bless me with his strength and peace within my mind, body, soul and spirit so I can defeat this debilitating disease.Thank you for your prayers! God bless you!

      Father, my heart aches for Christine-how she has suffered with this horrible disease. Abba, I am reminded of the woman with an issue of blood who suffered for years and could receive no relief. But she met the Master, and you healed her completely and quickly! We give you all praise! Father, do it again! I ask the same healing for my sister Christine! Allow her a miracle so that we can rejoice together over your goodness and love! Surround her with your shalom and provide for each and every need-strength, wisdom, peace, finances, and faith. We thank you, Abba, that you are the answer we need! We love you and desire to please you in all things. Amen.

  • Pray for Bart he is in terrific pain as he has Muscular Dystrophy

      Abba, we bring this need before you for Bart. He is in much pain and needs your healing touch! He is suffering and our hearts hurt knowing that he is enduring this trial. Please comfort him, Lord, and heal his body. Remove this pain and grant him your shalom. Strengthen him in body and spirit. Bless Linda as she ministers to Bart, and allow her to be an instrument of your healing. We join with Linda in her desire for healing, and we know that your word teaches that there is power in the united prayer of the saints. We thank you, Abba, for hearing our prayer, and we trust your care over this need. We love you and worship you in everything! Amen.

  • Pray for Bart. He has MD & is in lots of pain
  • Healing for me my kidney and bladder infection heart coughing neck my son and family grandchildren and my family my friend my son business and my business and cliff Pruitt business favor wisdom right partner and funds grandchildren favor a the BLOOD of JESUS cover us

      Father, we bring the needs of Bobbie before you now. Please touch each and every concern with your healing power and love. Grant wisdom, peace, finances, healing, and favor. We thank you, Abba, that Bobbie knows on whom to call in her time of need! Allow each family member, friend, and business associate to have a strong witness of your mercy and grace. Allow your protection to cover this family, and send your holy angels to minister on their behalf. Draw this family close together to share your love and presence. Move mightily on their behalf. We love you, Yeshua, and we praise you in this storm! Thank you for being our loving shepherd and leading us in your way. We love you and believe your word. Amen.

  • My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer.

      Father, we ask blessings for healing for Amber’s mother. Grant her and her family your mighty peace, and drive this sickness and disease far from her! Grant her a holy ease as she deals with this situation, and bring her to complete health and wholeness! Draw her family close to her during this trial, and give her a strong testimony of your goodness, grace, and mercy! Grant your shalom to this family and allow them to sing forth praises to you! We look to you, Yeshua, for we trust in no other! Thank you, our Messiah, for bearing the scars for this precious mother’s healing and deliverance! We love you and trust in your love! Amen!

  • Please pray for a sister in the faith, her name is Katelyn, she is married with a young child. For more than 2 months, she has been experiencing high fevers, night sweats, fatigue and weight loss. This week she finally got CT scan results which revealed masses in both lungs as well as one in the liver. The earliest available referral for biopsies and an oncologist is weeks away. Please join in prayer that she can get the biopsies, a firm diagnosis, and appropriate treatment as soon as possible, and especially please pray that Katelyn will be healed and restored to good health.

      Father, we ask for your mighty healing for Katelyn! Bless this precious mother with complete restoration! Touch her body and cause all sickness and disease to disappear! Raise her up to complete health, and allow her to bring up her child to walk in your ways. Be with the doctors and grant wisdom to know how to address these concerns, but we ask that the doctors be dumbfounded as a great miracle is evident in Katelyn’s body! Speak peace to this family, and provide for each and every need. Lead other believers to walk with this family through this trial, and bless our sister in every way! We praise you, Yeshua, in advance- knowing and trusting in your loving care for Katelyn. Amen.

  • I can fall asleep, but I'm not sleeping for very long. Please pray that I sleep through the night without taking medicine.
  • Urgent, allergic reaction to heavy dyes & acrylic, ear to knees rash, nauseated, I don't want to go to hospital, they'll try to jab you or kill you, they did my brother, after we specific told them not give him a particular rx, which they did anyway, & he died, I trust in Abba ropheka & prayers

      Father, we ask your healing touch quickly for Stronglight. Speak shalom to this storm and calm your child. Let your holy presence surround Stronglight and bring comfort. Abba, our trust is in you and we trust you for healing. Dispel all fears with your love. Grant wisdom in this situation. Heal this allergic reaction, cause the rash to leave, and restore this body to complete wholeness and health. Meet every need-physical, emotional, spiritual, Father, as only you can. We stand in unity with this fellow believer and look to you alone for this urgent need to be met. We love you, Yeshua, and trust in your tender care. Amen.

  • I’m new to believing the whole Bible but I finally see that God wants us to follow this law and live in spirit and truth. My prayer request it that God guide me through this process. At times it’s lonely because the people around me such as my friends and husband don’t see what God is truly said in His Word. And I’m in this walk with my kids on my own and I don’t want to conform to Christianity bc everyone else around me it. Thank you!

      Abba, Poppa, thank you for revealing Yourself and Your ways to Cloe. Thank You for opening her eyes to the beautiful truths in Your Word. Thank You for enabling her to be the disciple in the field You have her in. Now may she be aware of others in this field. May You bring others into her awareness of who You have purposed to walk with her. Be with her hearing may she listen carefully to conversation around her. Listening for opportunities to speak into others lives who are also seeking this deeper relationship. Open her mouth to speak truth and help others who are dissatisfied with their level of understanding and seeking more of You. Especially stir in her husband’s life to desire more of You. In Yeshua’s name, amen

      Chloe I rejoice that’s He’s enabled you to enter into a fullness of His Word and His Ways that you didn’t have before!!
      Abba, cause Chloe to become keenly aware of Your presence with her that drives out any loneliness. Grant Your strength and Your Wisdom as her path looks different than before.
      I ask that YOU would open her husband’s eyes to Torah without Chloe saying a word to persuade. May she count it all joy… forthe rewards of faith. Especially the rewards of perseverance and Hope. Please cover her in Peace that You are with her. You are her Guide.

      Father, please lead Chloe in all truth, give her the strength to stand and rest in your word. Help her to be obedient to your will and to persevere in your spirit and in your truth. Abba, calm her spirit, give her shalom and wisdom to follow wholly after you. Grant her favor as she walks patiently before others who may not understand. Bless her children, and may each of them have a strong walk manifesting your presence. Guide her into your holy truth, and let her sense that there are many who stand with her and pray for her to be blessed and to have a powerful witness for your kingdom. Abba, we ask that she would be blessed with other believers who will help to encourage and strengthen her. Thank you, Yeshua, that you love Chloe and her family. You are faithful and we can trust wholly in you alone! In Yeshua’s powerful name- Amen.