Welcome. Here you can share your prayer requests and pray for others.

Submit a Prayer Request


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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Please pray for my granddaughter, Kayla. She moved out on her with a high school girl friend and the girl friend's boyfriend. My husband and I are very unhappy about this and feel that Kayla is being taken advantage of. Please pray that she moves back home with her parents who are willing to let her move back in. Thank you and shalom!
  • My dear brother, Jeff has been diagnosed with a pancreatic mass. The details are sketchy from his wife, Julie. It does not sound good. Please pray for Jeff's healing and Julie's peace of mind. I love them both so very much. Thank you! Shalom!
  • My name is Milon jyoti Nand.And I'm from India. This days I'm very much worried,sad,and discouraged for my carrier/Job As though I'm a fresher and now iam looking for my job.Recently I've completed my Tea manager training Which is called a Diploma in tea management course.and now I want to become a tea manager.. Where as I applied from last 3 months by sending my resumes in various tea company but till now I didn't get any job placement .Where my post from the starting will be as a assistant Management trainee.As now I'm looking forward for my job opportunity Please pray for me so that God can open the door for My job placement Milan Nand With regards Thank you
  • I want the Church staff to please pray that I can get back my Mini DV Tapes collection that was stolen last year. I must have those pre recorded family memories back in the name of the Most High Lord. Thank you in advance.
  • Prayer for ANDREA and her 3 children to find a place to live in athens.... near her Work and to get an affordable car because hers broke down . SHE is the only income support for herself and the children .
  • My 22 year old son, Jesse, just moved in with me. He had an accident and broke or sprained or hurt his foot really bad. He can barely walk. We’ve been to the doctor and to the ER, but they can’t see anything wrong with it. He’s in so much pain. I’m in the process of trying to get him some insurance, through my workplace. We just can’t afford to pay medical fees out of pocket. I’m praying that God will help us and heal him completely. I’m praying that God will give Jesse the desire to know Him. That Jesse will want to come to church.. even if I have to buy him a wheelchair for the time-being. My daughter was recently baptized (HALLELUYAH!) and I’m praying both my boys will turn their lives to YHWH and be baptized as well. Thank you for praying with me! YHWH bless you and keep you always! SHALOM SHALOM

      Father we ask that you will use this accident as a time to speak into Jesse’s heart. Draw him by your Holy Spirit and open his eyes to see how much he needs you. We pray not only for his deliverance but healing in his foot. You Father know where the problem is and how to fix it when doctors dont know what to do. Bring conviction and deliverance to all family members and may each testimony give glory to your Holy Name!

  • Please lift up our children with us! Tonia, our daughter & Chris her husband, Asher 3 yr. Old grandson, live in California. They have turned from God! When we visit; rules are no talk of God or politics - why they are catagorized together is sad. We feel the door is closed for us to reach them. Our other daughter, Teresa & granddaughter Aidia live nearby in Washington. They celebrate some feasts with us, both have accepted Yeshua at younger ages, but not following. Teresa stands up for us & our beliefs, but we are concerned parents. Tonia, Chris & Teresa all have stressful health issues. Chris has had horrible battles with cancer which have left him full of fear Our poor grandson doesn’t get out of the house very often, they even got him a covid vac! Our heart breaks for them all. Thank you thank you!! I thoroughly believe Our God hears our prayers. I will send pics as soon as I figure out my new printer. Blessings Jacqueline
  • Be in prayer for my oldest daughter, Nicole. She is experiencing a great deal of pain in her breast. Waiting on hospital to get her in for an ultrasound and x-ray. Praying for a good report. Pray for me as well, for peace and steadiness as a witness for the LORD.My youngest daughter just passed away on January 9th. Shalom
  • Please pray that God would help my career.
  • This prayer request is for a sister Michelle Curtis who is a like minded believer as we, who tunes in to our services once a while as she attends another Sabbath keeping assembly. She is pregnant with baby Emery & is expecting in March. With many problems in the past with miscarriages she is requesting prayer for a healthy baby & delivery in these final months before birth. Thank you in advance for your prayers,,,,I believe in what James says in James 5:16 !