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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • Tonight we heard about a couple from Alberta Canada vacationing in Mexico. The husband slipped and fell and did a real number on his back requiring emergency surgery in Mexico. Please join with us as we pray for Yeshua’s help with this situation. Hoping for a successful surgery, quick recovery, and no long term problems. Thank you
  • Perfectly healthy pregnancy & live birth for my daughter & grandchildren
  • Please pray for Sherrie, Shirley and Stan. Also please pray for Clifton, Wendy, Portia and John. Marc needs prayer along with Brian, Sean, Lance and Ansol. Hamp(Sir) needs help and so does Donovan, Dexter, Damar, Doug and Lamar. Cherellnea and Jaytanna need prayer as well as Tycobi and Jacobi. Kristina, Kameron and Khamani need prayer in addition to Khan. Virginia needs prayer along with Carrie and James plus Annette. Lisa needs help with Monique and Marissa. Their friends, family members and neighbors need help in many ways so do their associates, colleagues and affiliates. Thank you very much in advance we do give praise.
  • Several months ago I asked for prayer because of things breaking down and limited credit left to repair them. Abba lead me to fix my home up and prepare it to sell it to my daughter and her husband and children. They are currently staying there preparing their home to sell to purchase mine. My son offered to allow me to move in with him and his fiancee in Kentucky. We accomplished this move two weeks ago. An hour ago they told me they have decided to move back to Vicksburg, where I had just moved from. I would like to find a place to live in Cleveland, TN which is only 4 hours from where I am now instead of the 12 hours from Vicksburg. The difficulty is that I am legally blind and thus cannot drive anywhere on my own. My heart has been at Jacob's Tent, as a live streamer, practically from the beginning. My prayer requests are the following: 1. That Abba open doors I'm to go through and close those that I'm not to go through. 2. At least a 2 bedroom home to rent in Cleveland where I can keep my 40# dog and 4 cats close to Jacob's Tent and a grocery store. I suppose this is more of a "fleece" and not a prayer request. I'm in no danger of being thrown out on the street. I just need to know which direction to go in.
  • My precocious 16 year old son is going to graduate 2 years early, this spring. I need prayer for several things. 1. That God would draw his heart back to Him and that he would desire to walk in Yah's Ways. (we have been learning/walking in Hebrew Roots since 2014 -so he knows, but is not subscribing to it anymore) 2. For our relationship which is very strained right now. 3. For financial wisdom & blessing, since I will be losing Child support for him, which is half my income. 4. Direction to know if I should sell my house. If I should move & where & when. (Jacob's Tent?) or if I should rent out part of my house. 5. For health, healing, energy, motivation, wisdom, understanding & knowledge to make these many decisions.

      Father, how I praise You that You not inly have the Answers to all our questions and all our needs, but You ARE the answer. Your Spirit gives discernment in knowing Your path. Please grant great discernment to Tanya as she seeks Your wisdom. I ask for an even greater measure of faith to walk whatever You have designed for her as she is becoming more and more like Messiah. Remove any anxiety and grant peace in it’s place.
      I ask father, that her son see the snare that can catch the ” very intelligent”. Let him not be deceived, but recognize his great need for Your wisdom which comes from Your commands. May he know that they are his protection in this twisted culture. Protect his heart and mind, Lord. Bring forth a genuine turning to You.

      Father we lift Tanya’s son up to you for spiritual renewal. Holy Spirit put a hunger in him to walk out the things that he knows is truth. We pray for an intimate relationship with you. Keep him from the temptations that are fighting our youth to destroy them. Grant him a vision from you for his life after graduation. Bless Tanya with wisdom and provide financial needs as she is desiring to trust you. May she clearly hear your voice in all decisions she needs to make. In Yeshuas name

  • Hello! I am struggling with health issues from chemical exposures just being around the public in my job as a grocery cashier. I have dealt with this for over 20 years from a toxic work environment and it has cost me several jobs in the past as it wears me down until my tolerance levels are too low from daily exposures. Please pray for whatever YAH has in mind for my financial needs. I will be meeting a family on Sunday and may have an opportunity to go back into doing some nanny work and cut back to a couple days in the store. Thank you!!

      Father, be a shield around Deb’s body to protect from anything harmful.
      Guide her in her decisions as she seeks a more healthy environment. I thank You that You provide when we trust You as Your Word says. Manifest Tour great Love to Deb through this trial. Uphold her with Your merciful strong arm!

      Father we ask that you deliver Deb from this toxic job and provide her with a job that will meet her needs. Restore health to her and may she be led of your Holy Spirit in all she does. In Yeshuas name

  • Please pray that IHVH helps me to go though an ear problem without getting desperate knowing He is always at my site. If is His will, to remove it from my body.In His Son name. Amen

      Father of Infinite mercy, grant assurance to Magda of Your power and love to her that removes all fear. Let this be a time of growth through this situation. May she receive all the rewards of trusting You. Guard her heart, her mind. Restore complete health to her.
      If there is anything she needs to “hear” from You, make her sensitive to hear. Grant her a full response to Your voice.

      Father you know what this ear problem is all about. You provided healing thru the broken body of Yeshua. Touch this ear right now and restore it perfectly in Yeshuas name we ask.

  • Our granddaughter Khole will be able to attend Kindergarten at Jupiter Christian school. That an opening will be there for her to attend. And she will hear God’s word and grow spiritually and academically.

      I agree with my sister’s prayer. Bless little Khole with a wholesome environment that with teach her in accordance with Truth. A place where it is lived out in humility and love. May her foundation be strong at home to teach Godly life lessons as well.
      I ask You that You would grant this innocent child a pure hunger for what is Right. Put her on a pure path regardless of actions and attitudes of peers. Bless her with strength of heart for You!

      Father if your will is that Khole go to this school then we come into agreement that there will be an open position for her. May she be blessed and covered in the blood of Messiah where ever she goes and may her parents and grandparents teach her your truths that will never depart from her. In Yeshuas name

  • Hi . We have been live streaming for a while, now. We are relatives of Jerry and Joana Bailey. Jerry is Barbara’s brother. We are asking for prayer for our son, Ben, who lives in Atlanta. He is supposed to have an operation on his upper back where his neck connects to his shoulders. This operation is to take place January 24. this operation is because he has had extreme pain radiating down his arms. They have put him on very strong pain, meds, i.e. oxycodone. He has been working from home since March 2020. please pray for him to be healed and the whole surgical staff to have wisdom during this procedure. Thank you so much Myron and Barbara

      We look to You, Great Physician!! Surround that surgical suite. Make keen the thoughts and skills of all involved in Ben’s procedure. Please grant clarity for them regarding the problem and need. I thank You that You are right there with Ben during it all.
      Bring forth healing. Bring forth relief from pain!. Bring forth a great praise to You and Your Power and Love for Your children!!
      PS. We love Jerry and Joana!!

      Father you see Ben and know exactly what needs healing. We entreat you to touch him and make him whole. Repair damages and deliver from pain. You Almighty One can do this without mans hand but if not, then we ask for a successful surgery and guidance of surgeons hands. Either way, be glorified in this and grant Ben shalom. In Yeshuas name.

  • My son Kenneth who was in a motorcycle accident in FL. is coming here today. This is a wayward son and he has a fractured leg and knee, never been treated yet. Is in much pain. Am going to do my best in helping him and it's going to be very hard. He's been away from the Lord for years. I need prayers for all that's going to happen and discernment, wisdom, knowledge and spiritual direction. I don't what is going to happen. He is coming here I live in Crossville TN. because he has no one else in his life to help him. Another son is flying out to get him drive him here. He's in much pain with this leg and the trip is going to be very hard. I am very nervous about all this, praying continuelly. Asking Father to open a door for him to get the leg fixed. Also bring him back to the Lord. He has medicade but that's in FL. praying they will take it here.please I really need much prayer to get through this day and the days ahead. This is not a forgotten son and the Lord knows it, prayers for all of this. Also taking care of my 90 year old husband who is trying to help also, but he can only do so much. Again I am asking for prayers, in Yeshua amen

      Father use this accident to restore this son to you. Sometimes you bring us to the bottom before we look up and cry out to you. Soften his heart and give his family the right words to minister to him. May he also find the physical help he needs, knit these broken bones together and heal. Strengthen this family and grant them wisdom in dealing with their son. Let love and shalom prevail. In Yeshuas name