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Pray for Others

  • Please pray for breakthrough for Ryan . That God would supernaturally break obsessive negative thoughts. Speaking peace and joy and tenderness over his life.

      Yes Father we are in agreement with Nancy’s prayer. Break those chains that are binding Ryan. Stop those voices of the enemy that are speaking to him. Help Ryan to recognize those negative thoughts and cast them down. Put a guard over his mind. I pray for the helmet of salvation on him. Bring your love, peace and joy.

  • Boker Tov and Shalom Dear Family, we a very close Sister who doesn't want her family to know has Ovarian Cancer and is starting Chemotherapy today. Please we are requesting the faith fill warriors to left her before our ABBA YHVH for HIS DIVINE HEALING INTERVENTION UPON her in the MIGHTY NAME OF YESHUA OUR KING REDEEMER, AMEN AND AMEN Thank Ya'll and may our ABBA YAHWEH'S GLORY continue to envelope Ya'll

      Father be with our sister on this journey she is on now. We pray for cancer cells and tumors to be destroyed by the power of Yeshua. Draw nigh to her in her weakness, let her find her strength and comfort in you.

  • I've been listening to Jacob's Tent for quite a while. I listened to Brad Scott first. To be honest, I wasn't to sure about Bill. (Smiley). But I've come to be somewhat attached to y'all. And I believe the Father is definitely using the ministry you provide. My reason for writing is that I have a request for prayer. Bill has been talking some about our children some of which have strayed into the world. This strikes a chord in me. I have 2. Grown. Both have strayed. But my youngest, my daughter has, I can't say it. She has turned away from the family, embraced communism, and a vile lifestyle. How can I say one sin is worse than another. But as human, it feels like it is. I am desperate for her. And the Father is working with me. But I ask for prayer for her and my son from the body of Messiah. Which I believe you are. I am widowed and they were raised without a father. Chris is 36, Rebecca is 29. Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ. Because I know you are a praying people. And I pray for y'all.

      Brenda, There are very few of us that have not grieved over the captivity of our children. In various forms. We understand.
      Father, You are sovereign. You are all powerful ! You have defeated the enemy, that tyrant that imprisons our children with his lies. We cry out to You! Send forth Your Holy Spirit to penetrate the fortress that holds Rebecca. Find the target that unlocks the prison door and set her free. Bring her out of this craziness of darkness into the Light!
      Sustain and uphold Brenda through this struggle. May she trust You, Your wisdom and Power on her behalf and receive the rewards of faith that You have described in Your Word!! Bring forth the fullness of Your purpose in her trials. Save Rebecca! Spare her Mighty One.

        Blessed Abba I agree with the prayers of Colleen and ask Father that you return what the locust has tried to destroy. Nothing is impossible for You. What we see as overwhelming and insurmountable is of no concern for You. We pray if it be Your will this mother will see her children return to You and Your ways. May they see Your love in her, work through her. Help us all to know how to reach our children as You would have us do. In Yeshua’s name

  • Please pray that my wife will keep torah & fully trust Yeshua. & that we would worship together.

      Father we ask for unity in the walk of Eric and his wife. Grant Eric Your wisdom to be silent when needed and trust You to do the work in His wife’s heart that only You can do. May he love his wife wisely as Christ has loved His bride. Guide Eric. Lead Eric. Please grant him increase in faith in this test of relying on You. And bless them Father.
      Remove the barriers that hold Eric’s wife back from the fullness of Truth. Bring oneness, gracious Lord.

  • Please agree with me and pray God heals Shannon of lung cancer, that no surgery be required, that all cancer is eradicated, and Shannon is healed to the uttermost because all her sickness and disease was nailed wirh Yeshua 2000 yrs ago! Thanks & blessings to you, faithful prayer warriors! Amen!

      Father, You hear Shannon’s heart cry. Your heart is a heart of perfected love with a purpose of that pure love. We ask for healing of the cancer. And we rejoice that ALL spiritual sickness was healed on the cross. And that You use all our trials to purify, build, strengthen, and teach us what we can only learn by going through these very hard places as we trust You. I lift Shannon up before Your throne and ask for growth in understanding, wisdom and faith to be more than a conqueror in this battle.
      Remove all fear Lord. Send forth Courage of knowing You are Good and what You do is Good. Ps 119:68.
      Surround her with Your Light and Love. Sing songs of Peace. Songs of Your Sweet Presence. May she know Your leading clearly.

  • My son Ken has been in a motorcycle accident with his fiance and they both came out in bad shape. Christy is in the hospital in FL. where they had to put pins and a plate in her ankle and her shoulder is so bad they don't know what surgery to do on it plus facial wounds and a broken hand. Ken has a fractured knee which needs to be taken care of. This is a wayward son and has been on his own running for much of his life. I have prayed and prayed as a mother for our Father to bring him back to know the Lord. You see one time he did know the Lord and claims to still, but his actions and ways tell another story and a story I won't go into. I love this son but know that I cannot go through his traumas all the time. I am asking prayers for the two of them and also for me as a mother who has and never will give in seeking the Lord for him. I don't know how to help him anymore either. He's suicidal also always goes to a deep place. His life is helter-skelter he's a drug addict also but says he's not. His faience says he is. He has stopped talking with me because he doesn't want to hear prayer. Prayer is all I have left to do. Now I am bringing in this request to have others pray for this situation. They live in Fl. were getting ready to move to TN. They sold her house boxes packed then this accident happened. The new owner of the home said they can stay there but must pay for it. They have, Christy can do nothing in the hospital Ken is trying to do what he can on his fractured knee, but he hasn't taken care of that yet. His great anger is standing in the way and I really don't know why Christy who is in the hospital calls me and says he just wants to leave, I don't know what that means neither does she. Prayers are needed I live in TN. far away from them and I cannot go and try to rescue them and have no idea what these two are about. When I say a wayward son, that is what he chooses to be. Asking for prayer. Thank you, Sharleen

      Father, I agree with Sharleen, for Ken and Christie’s healing to the UTTERMOST, physically and mentally; for their lives to turn around, for Supernatural transformation in their minds, hearts, bodies, souls, such that they live out their lives for Yeshua’s Great Name! With love & thanks! Amen!

  • Please pray for me and my husband. I feel used and abused by his pride. We don't get along or talk well. We barely share anything except the same roof. I need God's love and wisdom in order to keep going. I don't have any friends except his one friend. My friends don't like him because of the pride and lies, and because I won't leave him. I really believe God wants me with him, not to be abused, but to learn to let God be my all.

      Father, thank You for Denise’s faithfulness to your Word and desire to fight for her husband and marriage! Bless her and unite her to him as One Flesh in YESHUA, Father, for Your Great Glory, and testimony to you faithfulness for all who TRUST in YOU! Amen!

        Thank you for your prayers. Things are better this week. I’m so happy I reached out for prayer 🙏!

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995

      Thank you, Father, for Phil’s heart and his love and concern for his dear mom! Precious in Your sight is his loving care for her, Father! I join my agreement and request with Phil’s, this family will be united in love and devotion to You, our King Yeshua, to the glory of God the Father! Amen!

  • Update on my daughter Lindsay's cancer. After a partial hysterectomy all tests are showing that the cancer has not spread. Thank you so much my Jacob's Tent family for all your prayers!! Love you all!!


  • Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together I cannot have a baby because I only have one fallopian tube open and I do not ovulate on a regular basis