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Pray for Others

  • My son Kenneth who was in a motorcycle accident in FL. is coming here today. This is a wayward son and he has a fractured leg and knee, never been treated yet. Is in much pain. Am going to do my best in helping him and it's going to be very hard. He's been away from the Lord for years. I need prayers for all that's going to happen and discernment, wisdom, knowledge and spiritual direction. I don't what is going to happen. He is coming here I live in Crossville TN. because he has no one else in his life to help him. Another son is flying out to get him drive him here. He's in much pain with this leg and the trip is going to be very hard. I am very nervous about all this, praying continuelly. Asking Father to open a door for him to get the leg fixed. Also bring him back to the Lord. He has medicade but that's in FL. praying they will take it here.please I really need much prayer to get through this day and the days ahead. This is not a forgotten son and the Lord knows it, prayers for all of this. Also taking care of my 90 year old husband who is trying to help also, but he can only do so much. Again I am asking for prayers, in Yeshua amen
  • Complete healing from all the abuse I've been going through and been through and finding much healthier relationships and all
  • Dear family. Please pray for my son. To repent and turn back to God. He was angry with God and turned his back on Him to mention just one thing. He believes God will not forgive him and there is no use. He has been quite ill for 7 months now. Really thrown into a sickbed. I know Father is giving him a chance. But he does not take it. Please pray for Martin to turn back !!! Please !!!
  • Please pray that my husband's son Jesse comes to know Yeshua and that his name is written in the book of life. Also pray that his brother, Jason who knows God, submits to God and learns to follow God and love others. And pray my husband and I are a light and learn to love them and each other. Thanks 🙏!
  • My friend Karen who had a small stroke yesterday. She lives in a small mountain town with a small hospital. She and her husbands are strong believers in yeshua tho the are Lutheran.I spoke with her this am, it’s affected her R side and speech is a little slurred. Praying the right doctors are there to treat her in Yeshuas name. Thank you all!

      Father , I stand in agreement with my sister’s prayers for restoration of Karen’s body.
      I ask that this struggle, this test bring forth all the fruit of righteousness that You bestow through trusting You in it. May Your presence sustain Karen and her faith be grounded even more deeply. You can do marvelous things within us when we recognize our great need. Physically and spiritually. Bring forth Your Good Purpose fully.

      Father we lift Karen up to you and ask that you would bring a complete restoration in her body. Guide those attending to her. We pray for speech to be restored and her body to regain normal function. Comfort her and her family with your presence and shalom. In Yeshuas name.

  • I saw Bill's message of 1/14/2023, and I was VERY happy to see that he's finally catching up to what I was trying to let him know about some years back when I attended Sukkot with my wife three years or so back in Tennessee! My "innnerstanding" regarding what is going on in today's world is quite extensive, as this has been my lifetime experience to be the "watchman" that others seemed to have put aside for others to do! I tried at the feast to gently advise regarding things that most others will have missed, having been studying this for about six decades ... during which time I kept the moedim and shabbat! Most of my friends that I consider "safe" for me to associate with are AWAKE and not "woke" in the least! In fact, the "woke" is what we "warriors of God" who He sent to help with the "assist" in the "first resurrection" (aka "ascension") have been dealing with for a long time! Many of those I am able to TRUST have "top secret" military clearances ... and I've had quite a colorful and educational "journey" for my life that led me to KNOWING what is going on ... in terms of what people would call "prophesies" which I've studied since the early 1960's with my Mom and Dad ... who were warned by God to do things to prepare for such a time as this! The timing was 50 years early which at the time seemed delayed BUT ... I came to the conclusion that this time was simply a time of "preparation" for such a time as this! (I believe my friend and brother Eddie Chumney has been "prepared" in much the SAME way as me ... and I DID enjoy his recent message on the "Melek Zadok" that you guys presented a month or so ago!) AND it DID prepare me to help NOW during this time ... because of the TRUTH that we've managed to glean ... while having a "peek under the covers" that REVEALED the "Beast Power" to us ... (that has been here a REALLY LONG TIME) who's sole "goal" is to DESTROY God's Children who are about to be "born again" into the Kingdom! Using BOTH the Bible and other sources of TRUTH it is CLEAR to me that these days are VERY SHORT and numbered until the return of Yehashuah RETURNS ... and there is MUCH to learn that I would LOVE to discuss with Bill ... should he have the desire to KNOW the "TRUTH" that just might set him "FREE!" BUT ... that would require that he simply give me a call ... and be READY for the "Epic story of a lifetime" regarding the Salvation of Mankind! YES! We ARE about to come to the "second Exodus" but there is much more to it ... and I am FINALLY able to SHARE things that would have gotten me KILLED over the years had the Cabal "Beast" known that I KNOW them! IF Bill would like to talk about a few things that I can point out ... and how God is DEFINATELY "directing this end time 'show'" then I would LOVE to talk with him! There IS much to learn ... and this world is going to go through the FINAL "attacks" of the Luciferian Cabal ... followed closely by the "reconstruction" and CLEAN UP of our world that would resemble the "Jubilee" that is described in scriptures! The people who KNOW what I do would call it "NESARA/GESARA" which stands for "National Economic Security And Restoration Act" and "Global ... etc". It is a MIRACLE that this act was passed some years back ... and has been kept HIDDEN by the government (with a Non-disclosure agreement in place that threatened DEATH to those who violated the "contract") and the FIRST attempt to implement it was thwarted by the attack on 9/11/2001 at 9AM ... because NESARA was scheduled to be ANNOUNCED and ENACTED at 10AM on the same day! The Cabal brought the "towers" down to keep it from being implemented to BLESS THE WORLD! Please consider giving me a call as I have known Bill and Beth (in fact Beth asked me for some counsel when I was in Tennessee last time) for some years now ... and NOW I believe they "might" be able to hear and INNERSTAND what I have to tell them NOW! I hope he does ... and then can pass the TRUTH on to his followers ... OF COURSE once he has "PROVEN ALL THINGS" for himself ... as I EXPECT to be challenged and hope it happens ... so that this TRUTH can get out there to the folks he has influence over! MUCH LOVE to you guys! I hope I hear from you! Doc. Phone ... 8 one six 8 zero nine seven 1 three 3! Love and Light! Doc
  • Son, Kenneth. Motorcycle accident. Broken bones. Don't know much more. Only the Father knows. Prayers

      Lord, cover Kenneth in Your care and Your love. Grant his body strength and encourage his heart.
      May You bring him through this without lifelong complications.
      Please Use this time of brokenness of body to bring him to brokenness before You. And joy in Your power and love on his behalf. Let this suffering not be for nothing. But use it powerfully for good.

      Have mercy Father on Kenneth. We pray for a speedy healing for everything in his body that needs your touch. We are so thankyou you spared his life. If he isan’t born again, we pray Holy Spirits conviction and drawing to you. Comfort this mother in Yeshuas name we ask.

  • Prayers for my brother in law who is currently in the hospital with 25 lbs of fluid retention. Doctors told him this morning it is due to heart failure. Thank you so much brothers and sisters for the prayers ❤️

      Have mercy O God. Look upon Him as he looks upon You. Strength him in body and soul. May he seek You as never before.
      I also ask that You strengthen Sylvia as she supports her brother. May they both draw near and find Hope and Peace in Your presence.

      Abba there is no problem to big for you to handle. Just one healing touch of the Masters hand is all it takes. Touch this heart, let it function normal. We pray for the fluid to leave in Yeshuas mighty name. We give you all the glory as you guide these doctors

  • Prayers for my brother in law who is currently in the hospital with 25 lbs of fluid retention. Doctors told him this morning it is due to heart failure. Thank you so much brothers and sisters for the prayers ❤️
  • Hello, I want to request for prayer for marriage - I am 41 years old and single, no kids. I am worrying my time is running out as a woman to give birth - I would appreciate if you can look into my request - I understand you get a lot of prayer requests from around the world on daily basis 🙌🏽

      Father, you place a longing in the hearts of women for a family. Hear our cry to You for Nisha. Grant Nisha wisdom in use of her time and peace to trust You in the wait. If it be possible according to Your will, fulfill this desire. Thank You that You are continually with Nisha. May her heart rest in You.

      Father you have a divine plan for Nishah’s life. We want your perfect will for her. If its in your plan, we ask for that Godly husband connection and fruit to come forth. If not your will, give my sister complete peace to allow you to be her husband and for her to be content.