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or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
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or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • So i had to be induced to give birth to our boy at 36 weeks due to high bp. I request prayer to make sure little ones lungs will be fine and developed. They will most likely start pitosin in the morning. Thank you

      We rejoice with Vanessa for the gift of her son! Watch over this little one and grant him strong lungs. May he flourish by Your hand!

  • There is a lot of sickness/post surgeries with infections and a death within family members of my Adult Women’s SS Class. Our hearts are heavy. I am pray for healing for all. I feel there is a block of darkness fighting harder than my prayers. Please pray for my church family and for the Holy Spirit to bring in healing and comfort to all of us.

      I lift Fran and her church family before You, Mighty One. We ask for Wisdom. Your Wisdom. Reveal to them if there is something blocking their prayers that they may see and understand. And can turn from it to You. Your love to Fran and these others is pure. Bring forth understanding and Your purpose of Love.
      Be the lifter of their head. The lifter of their heart. May comfort surround them. Encouragement enfold them as they look to You for healing and answers.

  • Simply that I would stop looking for a husband.. I have a husband YeShua is His name. I have to surrender to Him and im fighting because I'm not trusting Him. And that's not right, He gave His life for me, and I'm not getting that. I need help, I please pray that I get it!!! I'm also praying about my choices, I tend to make bad choices, thank you for praying with me I'm learning from the teaching.

      Father, enable Michelle to put her eyes on You, Your truth and Your ways. Not the earthly things, nor the things of her fleshly nature. May she believe fully. Please grant her a Holy Fear of You that keeps her from sin. And a Knowing of Your Love that fills her longings.
      Protect her in this process. Please grant an understanding that to sin is to harm her own soul. Let her not seek the things of the flesh that are seen, but the things of heaven that are unseen and are Life. Hear our cries for Your hand of help to strengthen her understanding and faith.

  • So baby almost came yesterday, i went in for normal check up for 36 week pregnancy and my bp was to high they sent me to the hospital to monitor and while i was there it wouldn't go down thankfully the last 2 checks it did and they sent me home. I got to take bp meds twice a day and i might have to be induced in the next 1 week or 2 instead of waiting the full term. Please pray for my bo to not spike again and baby to be safely delivered.
  • Private prayer request: I have been dating this guy for like 3 years. Long story short I got an attachment and felt love feelings. He has been very dangerous and has hurt me before. He is mean at times and demonic. He also has had a lot of trauma. I need restored from all the stress and hardships he put me through times 7. Anything lost or stolen from me or my family, friends, coworkers or anyone because of him, returned times 7 cleansed by the blood of Christ. I need G-d himself to take him away permanently and immediately without drama if he is not faithful in Jesus Christ’s name. I can’t take it anymore. It is not worth it if he is cheating again. Please pray G-d moves immediately in this situation. In Jesus name What is impossible with man is possible with G-d. Who the son sets free is free indeed.

      Amanda, God will deal with him according to His infinite wisdom, but God wants to deal with you in this.
      I ask Father that You would enable Amanda to seek out what You are desiring for her to learn and be healed from. Bring forth understanding as we ask for Your wisdom. May Amanda allow Your powerful, yet tender light within to guide her and empower her in her decisions and actions. You are her Strength and Wisdom. Grant courage. And diligence as You lead to do what is needed. Draw her near and surround her with Your love that will never fail her!!

  • Private prayer request: I have been dating this guy for like 3 years. Long story short I got an attachment and felt love feelings. He has been very dangerous and has hurt me before. He is mean at times and demonic. He also has had a lot of trauma. I need restored from all the stress and hardships he put me through times 7. Anything lost or stolen from me or my family, friends, coworkers or anyone because of him, returned times 7 cleansed by the blood of Christ. I need G-d himself to take him away permanently and immediately without drama if he is not faithful in Jesus Christ’s name. I can’t take it anymore. It is not worth it if he is cheating again. Please pray G-d moves immediately in this situation. In Jesus name What is impossible with man is possible with G-d. Who the son sets free is free indeed.

      Pray for me to become a film producer, pray for me to learn how to create a tv show step by step successfully, and pray for me to find union actors and union film crew for my project.

  • Update on my friend, Jeff, from his dear wife, Julie: He's doing better - eating again liver labs normalizing. Building up strength for next round - 17th is next procedure for stent/imaging/biopsies should get enough info. to come up with a game plan. 😉 Thank you all for praying for my friends!
  • Please pray for my son Joshua. I've not seen him in at least 7 years and I've heard the reason he won't have anything to do with me is partly because of my walk. He has rejected Yah's truth and has been heavily influenced by others and their very liberal agendas. Thank you and Shalom!
  • Our family. We are estranged. It will only fix by the hand of the father. Thank you.
  • Hey Jacob's Tent family. I have a prayer request. As we all know Passover is coming soon. I put in a request time off yesterday and they aren't allowing it. I ask for intercession to Yah that he will either compel them to let me keep the Passover or I start a new job that will.

      Praise Report! Apparently I didn’t wasnt aware until earlier today but prior to me making requests. They have accepted time off for Passover! That goes to show ya. Yah does know what your going to ask for before you even ask. HalleluYah!