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If you would like to submit a prayer request
or praise report to our local prayer team
(or to contact our prayer team directly),
please send an email to
or call them at (423)339-7037.

Pray for Others

  • I almost feel ashamed ro ask for prayer..... I am healthy, I have a roof over my head and food to eat. Praise Abba!! But I am so tired. Tired of fighting and even praying. We are inSA. My husband was forcibly retired because he turned 60. We weren't ready for it. Thought hte would go to 65. We battle to keep up and are R6000 short every month. I try to make an income. I try to sell things. It's not selling. I have a mother of 85 to look after and she gave me money to pay my utility bill!!! I feel like a piece of crap!! My friend gave me money last month!! Their blessings are so appreciated, but I can't let this continue.... I need to make money to pay my bills!! We had 11years of setbacks with children who are addicts and have anger issues.... Etc, etc. My Dad passed away. Then my mother and father in law. Then my sister.... My ONLY sister and best friend. I need to be there for my Mom. Need tp look after her. I am so tired and I just can't go on like this anymore. Please pray for breakthrough in my family. For financial blessings and for my faith to be strengthened. I kniw YHVH is God and that He will look after us. But I am just one and can't keep on like this. Please help me Lord. Please forgive me and my family....and thank You for Your love and blessings.....
  • Please pray that our son, Bryce, would be delivered from the demons that bind him. He was raised in a faith filled family. (Adopted by my only husband at 2 yrs old when we married) He’s always struggled with thankfulness and gratefulness from childhood to his present age of 34. He has a wife and 3 beautiful daughters and a son to be born in early May. He’s blessed beyond measure yet fights Yah daily. He has damaged relationships with his 3 siblings yet they are gracious towards him. Now because we as a family are standing together the spiritual battle with him (new age beliefs) is becoming more defined. We are asking for a breakthrough; desperate for intervention before this does anymore damage to all of us but especially his own family. Shalom, Karen and Terry Wright
  • I will be 36 weeks pregnant with our third child this Thursday. (Our only boy, Thomas Wayne Brillant). I just would like prayer in having a smooth labor and delivery. I pray i do not have to be induced and the baby just comes on his own. Though due to my size i can not go past 39 weeks due to baby being to big and my birth canal being to small. I would appreciate all the prayers. Also , there are some marital issues going in our family. If you could just pray for my brother in law and his wife . They are going through a really tough time right now and i know Yah can fix it but they have to be willing to have open hearts to hear what Yah needs them to do to reconcile. I appreciate your prayers so much. ❤️ GOD BLESS Y'ALL.
  • That my family be restored
  • Pray for me to lose weight in Jesus name
  • Thank you all for your prayers for my friend, Jeff Trnavsky. I received ap update this morning from his wife Julie: Long day - they could not get the Stent in but switched to surgery to put a drain through liver to outside...so relief! No images or biopsies that has to get rescheduled for endoscopy with ultrasound. Then they will also have to come back and get drain going internally. Julie God carried us through so much - his hand was powerful. Thanks for 🙏 Julie Julie Trnavsky Now we've got to get to the mass and get going with chemo/radiation and resection. Please let our prayer warriors know its helping but we've got a potentially long road ahead - God can always shorten it. But what ever his will is let it be done. 7:47 AM Actually finding out this morning the 2nd attempt was way more successful than we thought. They got all the way through to intestines Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Jeff!
  • Blessings to You Prayer Team. We are so fortunate to have your intercession for us. Please Pray for my husband, Charlie Houck. Three different cancers in 2 years. Basal and Squamous skin cancer on his chest and now his prostate Now he is going in 2 weeks for a Pet Scan to see it if has spread and I do not want him to. Our holistic doctor says, God knows where it is and He will heal it. Praise be to Our Father!
  • Please continue in prayer for my foot to heal. My legs are now bad also as they said I have lymphedema they say that is caused from my surgery on my foot.I continue to get cellulitis and at times I have so much pain with burning all I can do is cry out to Yeshua for relief. The swelling is so bad I have gained 60 pounds in 6 months because I am barely able to walk at times. Yet I have determined to do what I haven’t been doing because I refuse to secume to this I am fighting with my entire heart as I believe Yeshua will HEAL ME!!! I watch the service and I am praying for you. Also my husband and I need some miracles as we would love to move to Tenn. to be apart actively in the congregation we love. We need the Lord to work out these obstacles so we can move with no problems. Thank you all may Yeshua richly Bless you for your service. IN HIS SERVICE CYNTHIA FAIRCLOTH
  • Please pray for me and my husband. I have been diagnosed with lung cancer, and will be going in for surgery Tuesday morning (2/21/23) to remove to remove the cancerous portion of my lungs. Pray asking Him to to guide the hands, hearts and minds of the doctors and staff. Pray that might be a good patient and be a blessing in some way to those around me. Also, please pray for my husband Paul, an old handicapped veteran who will be left alone to supervise those we will have to hire to assume my normal household duties and to organize hired staff to attend to me 24/7 for a few days after I return home to recuperate. Shalom, Karen and Paul

      I pray by you he power of Holy Spirit Lord May all my sisters surgery be guided by your hands, select all those whom you will annoint them by spirit to preform all that is needed to bring about total healing. Let every cell come into the authority of Yeshua ‘s voice and function as they are to function in perfection. Let my sister go in with your peace upon her! Provide this husband with peace also and let him hear your voice Yeshua to know you have his wife covered and send angels to minister to ALL INVOLVED. Provide the right caregivers to help the healing process and let everything be organized with your Blessing upon them. I will continue to pray for you both!
      Cynthia Faircloth

  • Shalom. We started doing on online ministry last summer and it has been under constant attack from the adversary since we started whether it be from outsiders, fellowship members or our own ministry leaders within the group. Yesterday we received one of our biggest attacks to date from within the leadership and we are asking for prayers and decernment over this hardship. Do we continue on with our current partners who are causing issues or remove ourselves and press forward on our own? Blessings to Jacob's Tent.